Author: Freedom Watch

By Quint Forgey POLITICO October 17, 2018 Joe Arpaio, the controversial former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, has filed a libel suit against The New York Times and a member of its editorial board. In a complaint filed Tuesday evening with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the ex-lawman takes issue with a Times opinion piece published just after Arpaio’s loss in the state’s Republican primary for U.S. Senate. The article — “Well, at Least Sheriff Joe Isn’t Going to Congress: Arpaio’s loss in Arizona’s Senate Republican primary is a fitting end to the public life…

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By John Wagner Washington Post October 17, 2018 Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff who finished a distant third this year in a Republican Senate primary, filed a libel suit Tuesday night against the New York Times and a member of its editorial board, arguing that they had undercut his chances for another run. In a complaint filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Arpaio took issue with an opinion piece written after the August GOP primary titled, “Well, at Least Sheriff Joe Isn’t Going to Congress: Arpaio’s loss in Arizona’s Senate Republican primary is…

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(Washington, D.C., October 17, 2018). Today, legal counsel for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor, announced the filing of a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action No. 1:18-cv-02387) against the New York Times (NYT) and its editorial page reporter Michelle Cottle for alleged defamation per se, tortious interference with prospective business advantage and false light. The complaint can be found at and was filed as part of Freedom Watch’s Leftist Media Strike Force, which seeks to hold…

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(Washington, D.C., October 15, 2018). Today Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and now the general counsel of Freedom Watch, as well as a former federal prosecutor of the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice who was on the trial team that broke up the AT&T monopoly, announced that the law firm of Bill and Hillary Clinton has entered its appearance in this case (Freedom Watch, Inc. v. Google/YouTube et. al (Civil Action No. 18-cv-2030), which was recently filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia alleging an illegal…

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Opinion | Let’s not buy the Republican spin on Brett Kavanaugh By Jennifer Rubin Washington Post October 14, 2018 President Trump and Republican Senate leaders proclaimed after Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s confirmation that it was a huge win for the party. The GOP base is engaged. This will turn around the midterms! Unfortunately, with very little analysis and zero polling, scores of male pundits (not to mention right-wing publications) touted this as fact. Some of us warned that, contrary to Republican spin, the Kavanaugh fight would likely light a fire under female voters — who were already peeved…

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Media pretend left-wing mobs of protesters aren’t really mobs By Dan Gainor Fox News October 14, 2018 Journalists spent last week rewriting history as it happened and denying the thuggery of left-wing protests. It was like watching a reality TV version of “1984.” President Trump helped get the show rolling when he called left-wing protesters “an angry mob” and Republicans and conservative groups picked up the term. It was repeated in several videos and in a key GOP commercial that highlighted scenes of violence. Continue Reading…..

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Supreme Court fight over Kavanaugh got lots of attention, but most federal court action is elsewhere By John Lott Fox News October 14, 2018 Republicans are ecstatic and Democrats are livid about Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation as a Supreme Court justice. But while the Supreme Court is important, many Americans tend to exaggerate its powers. Democrats still firmly control the nation’s district courts and circuit courts of appeals, where virtually all federal judicial decisions are made. Even if Republicans keep control of the Senate in the Nov. 6 midterm elections, the balance of power on these courts isn’t…

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By Jonathan S. Tobin National Review October 13, 2018 Earlier today, freshly minted Atlantic writer Jemele Hill published a piece that broke new ground in the Brett Kavanaugh debate. She revealed that, in her experience, black men were more sympathetic to Kavanaugh than she anticipated: On Tuesday night, I was in an auditorium with 100 black men in the city of Baltimore, when the subject pivoted to Brett Kavanaugh. I expected to hear frustration that the sexual-assault allegations against him had failed to derail his Supreme Court appointment. Instead, I encountered sympathy. One man stood up and asked, passionately,…

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By Larry Klayman WND October 12, 2018 I have said it many times in the last few years: The nation is headed down an ever-increasing slippery slope to the revolution which our great Founding Father and third American president, Thomas Jefferson, predicted would have to be waged every other generation to “clean house” of the inevitable governmental and political corruption that would otherwise destroy the new republic. Now, in October 2018, Jefferson’s predictions are coming home to roost, albeit (and fortunately) later than he had anticipated. The nation is being torn apart by the vicious onslaught of the left,…

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