Author: Freedom Watch

Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Means SCOTUS Has Become a Partisan Institution. Only One Thing Can Hold Back Trump Now. By Yascha Mounk Slate Magazine October 7, 2018 When Donald Trump was elected, scholars of American politics ferociously debated the future of the Republican Party. Optimists argued that Trump had little support in the GOP, and would slowly be reined in by movement conservatives like Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham. Pessimists like me argued that Trump had a lot of support among the Republican base and would be able to reshape the party in his own image after a protracted civil…

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By Larry Klayman WND October 5, 2018 With all the rhetoric and talk of the integrity and sanctity of our Supreme Court during the Judge Brett Kavanaugh saga — and he will likely be confirmed this weekend — the American people have not been sufficiently educated on the “hard facts of life” about this venerable body. Contrary to folklore, the justices picked by the president and confirmed by the Senate are not the disciples of our Lord, but mortal persons who are the product of our generally compromised political system. As one can see from the recent experience with…

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Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant By John Solomon TheHill October 4, 2018 Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign. Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm. Continue Reading…..

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Ken Starr: Americans ‘should have confidence in Rod Rosenstein’ By Kyle Cheney POLITICO October 3, 2018 Ken Starr, the independent counsel whose investigation led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment, delivered a passionate defense Wednesday of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whose stewardship of special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing Russia probe has drawn scorn from President Donald Trump and his allies. “Rod has just rock-ribbed integrity,” Starr said during an interview at a Brookings Institution conference on the justice system. “He is completely committed to the rule of law. He turns square corners. He will call them as he sees…

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By Emily Birnbaum TheHill October 1, 2018 Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz on Monday accused Democrats of bypassing due process in response to the allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, claiming they believe “all the rules are called off” when it is “a white man being accused by the left of sexual offenses.” He used a hypothetical example of a Democratic president nominating a Muslim-American and that person facing sudden accusations of being a “terrorist” to explain that there would be an uproar by the left against such a charge. Continue Reading…..

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By Matt Walsh Daily Wire September 30, 2018 Jeff Flake flaked out and caved to the Democratic demand for an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. There is a reason why Democrats so desperately want this investigation, and, like everything else they say, it has nothing to do with getting to the truth. If Democrats were interested in the truth, they wouldn’t have held onto these allegations until the last minute. If Democrats were interested in the truth, they wouldn’t be entertaining wild stories from emotionally unbalanced women about roving high school rape gangs. Continue Reading…..

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