Author: Freedom Watch

Larry Klayman Reveals the Latest in His Antitrust Suit Against Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter! Dear Friend: You know me as a trial lawyer and former federal prosecutor with 41 years of experience. And you know me as the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch (“FW”). FW does what I used to do at Judicial Watch (“JW”) when I ran it; that is, bring hard-hitting cases that seek real justice, not mostly just Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) document requests as JW mostly does today. For this reason, I have formed an FW “Justice League,” which I…

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By Jon San September 30, 2018 Friday morning on Fox News, conservative commentator and host Laura Ingraham weighed in on the nation’s biggest, most divisive discussion: the Kavanaugh hearings. After yesterday’s Senate hearings — which featured emotional testimony from both Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford — this morning Ingraham doubled down on her support of the judge. “As someone who’s known Judge Kavanaugh for 28 years, and I spent my own time in the Supreme Court as a law clerk, this was a political exercise in futility for the Democrats,” she said. Continue Reading…..

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Lindsey Graham Slammed For ‘Single White Man,’ ‘I Will Not Shut Up’ Remarks By Jenna Amatulli HuffPost September 28, 2018 Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told his colleagues that he “will not shut up” even though he is a “single white man” in remarks on Friday during an executive meeting about yesterday’s hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his nomination to the Supreme Court. “I know I’m a single white male from South Carolina, and I’m told I should shut up, but I will not shut up, if that’s OK. Because I got here the same way anyone else…

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By Larry Klayman WND September 28, 2018 Let me be clear once again! If I sat in the Oval Office, I would not have nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be the next Supreme Court “conservative” justice to sit in the chair of retired “lukewarm conservative” Justice Anthony Kennedy. It is hard for me to get excited and call Kavanaugh a “true conservative” when in one of his prior opinions, in a case I had successfully litigated at the lower court level, Klayman v. Obama, he nullified preliminary injunction orders that had put a stop to illegal and unconstitutional mass…

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WATCH: The Rise and Fall of Jeff Sessions – One America News Network One America News Network September 27, 2018 As Rod Rosenstein feels the heat of stepping down from the Justice Department, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the perfect example of an official in the Trump DOJ who best represents how a top official can plummet from grace. One America’s Marty Golingan has more on the rise and fall of Jeff Sessions. Continue Reading…..

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