Author: Freedom Watch

If Kavanaugh Doesn’t Make It, Who’s Next? By Oliver Roeder FiveThirtyEight September 24, 2018 Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh says he’s not going anywhere. He now faces two allegations of sexual assault, including attempted rape when he was in high school and, during his time at Yale, that he exposed himself to a woman “at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.” The newest charge is according to reporting in The New Yorker. Kavanaugh denies both allegations, and President Trump is…

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Rod Rosenstein’s Resistance | National Review By Michael W. Schwartz National Review September 24, 2018 Weasel words, weasel moves from an emotionally overwrought deputy AG eager to ingratiate himself with Democrats Rod Rosenstein is even a weasel when repudiating his weasel moves. Here (with my italics) is the deputy attorney general’s non-denial denial of a New York Times report Friday that he brainstormed about ousting President Trump in May 2017: The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect. . . . I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously…

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax September 24, 2018 President Donald J. Trump’s is sinking into the swamp of the Washington, D.C., establishments of both political parties. Despite his previous best efforts, the snakes and alligators now seem on the verge of totally swallowing up and then devouring his presidency, much less him, his family, and associates personally. First, there is the Judge Brett Kavanaugh fiasco. Having nominated a jurist who was pushed by the inside Washington Republican establishment and club, and who civil libertarians opposed, based on his past ruling in Klayman v. Obama, a landmark case that enjoined unconstitutional…

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Trump points finger at Sessions for Rosenstein controversy By Samuel Chamberlain Fox News September 23, 2018 President Trump appeared to blame Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the latest controversy surrounding Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Sunday, saying that Sessions had “hired” Rosenstein to be his second-in-command. “He was hired by Jeff Sessions,” Trump said in an interview with “The Geraldo Show” on WTAM radio. “I was not involved in that process because, you know, they go out and get their own deputies and the people that work in the department.” Trump announced on Jan. 31, 2017 he would…

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Michael Moore Says He’ll Flee To Canada To Escape President Trump’s ‘Persecution’ Daily Wire September 23, 2018 Filmmaker Michael Moore says he’ll flee to Canada as a political refugee if President Donald Trump decides to persecute him for his upcoming film, “Fahrenheit 11/9,” which takes aim at Trump’s election. Speaking to media at the Toronto Film Festival, Moore, who has had a string of flops including a one-man Broadway show that shuttered its doors earlier this year, played up Trump’s interest in his new documentary and suggested he could soon find himself under political persecution. “(Trump) absolutely hates…

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Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro Suggests Rosenstein Leaked to NYT to Get Trump to Fire Him By Harriet Sinclair Newsweek September 23, 2018 The explosive article about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has tongues wagging — and none more so than Fox host Jeanine Pirro, who suggested Rosenstein himself leaked to The New York Times in order to make President Donald Trump fire him. The article in The Times claims that Rosenstein discussed invoking the 25th amendment to get rid of Trump following the latter’s firing of then FBI chief James Comey. Continue Reading…..

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Lisa Page Took Rod Rosenstein’s Trump Tape Talk Seriously By Betsy Woodruff The Daily Beast September 23, 2018 A debate with major implications has broken out over whether Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was being sarcastic when, in the spring of 2017, he reportedly talked about covertly recording President Donald Trump. A former career Justice Department official who was in the room when the topic arose told The Daily Beast he believes the deputy attorney general was being sarcastic. But another person in the room at the time has indicated she took it seriously. Continue Reading…..

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September 22, 2018 (Washington, D.C.). Today, Larry Klayman the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch issued this statement in the wake of yesterday’s revelations that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had proposed wiring himself and others to secretly audio record President Donald Trump and then use the audio recordings to convince Vice President Pence and the cabinet to remove Trump under the 25th Amendment, as psychologically unfit. Klayman had this to say: Hannity, while boosting his ego, ratings and advertising dollars on Fox News by over-promising justice through the government every night in his repetitive monologues, along…

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By Larry Klayman WND September 21, 2018 The definition of a hyena in the world famous Merriam-Webster dictionary is “a large animal of Asia or Africa that eats the flesh of dead animals.” Merriam-Webster defines a jackal as “any of several small omnivorous animals (such as canis aureus) of Africa and Asia having large ears, long legs and bushy tails,” and among other colloquial human derivations “a person who serves or collaborates with another especially in the commission of base acts.” In my view, and based on my experience in fighting the human equivalent of hyenas and jackals since…

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