Author: Freedom Watch

Bringing It: Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Cory Booker By Katie Pavlich Townhall September 12, 2018 Government watchdog Judicial Watch has filed an ethics complaint against Democrat Senator Cory Booker for deliberately breaking Senate rules and releasing confidential Senate Judiciary Committee documents for political gain. Booker did so during the confirmation hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “By publicly releasing Committee Confidential records, Sen. Booker appears to have violated provisions 5 and/or 6 of Rule 29 of the Standing Rules of the Senate (Rev. Jan. 24, 2013),” Judicial Watch details in a letter delivered to to the chairman…

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Trump reportedly thinks getting impeached after losing the midterms would help him win in 2020 By Alex Lockie Business Insider September 12, 2018 President Donald Trump has reportedly woken up to the possibility of being impeached but thinks he could play the situation toward a big reelection in 2020. If he is impeached but not removed from office, Trump would try to play the victim card and paint Democrats as having unfairly attacked him over accusations of collusion and obstruction of justice, the news website Axios reported on Wednesday. Continue Reading…..

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Ken Starr: I almost charged Hillary Clinton with perjury New York Post September 12, 2018 Former independent counsel Ken Starr was so frustrated with Hillary Clinton’s answers during the 1990s Whitewater probe that he considered charging her with perjury, the prosecutor reveals in a new tell-all. The then-first lady repeatedly said she “did not recall” during questioning about the suicide of White House adviser Vince Foster, Starr wrote. “I was upset over Mrs. Clinton’s performance, and was even considering bringing the matter before the Washington grand jury for possible indictment on perjury,” Starr writes in “Contempt: A Memoir…

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CNN Poll: More approve of Mueller than of Trump By Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Polling Director CNN September 12, 2018 Special counsel Robert Mueller’s approval rating for handling the Russia investigation stands at 50% in a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS. That outpaces President Donald Trump’s approval rating on the matter by 20 points. The poll is CNN’s first since the conviction of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on tax and bank fraud charges stemming from Mueller’s investigation and guilty pleas from Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen on several charges after an investigation that Mueller had referred…

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Fitton on New Strzok-Page Texts: ‘Corrupted’ Mueller Probe Needs to Be Shut Down Fox News Insider September 11, 2018 Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said Tuesday newly-revealed text messages between fired FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page are just more evidence of the anti-Trump bias that was prevalent at the FBI and Justice Department. Two new texts show the officials discussing a “media leak strategy” amid the Trump-Russia probe. “A ‘media leak strategy’ is just what it says, an ‘insurance policy’ is just what it says, when Strzok writes ‘we’ll stop’ President Trump, everyone…

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Ken Starr says he considered perjury charges against Hillary Clinton, in explosive new memoir By Alex Pappas Fox News September 11, 2018 Former independent counsel Ken Starr writes in his new memoir that he considered — but ultimately abandoned — the idea of perjury charges against then-first lady Hillary Clinton after her “preposterous” deposition with investigators in 1995. “I was upset over Mrs. Clinton’s performance, and was even considering bringing the matter before the Washington grand jury for possible indictment on perjury,” Starr wrote in “Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation,” which hits bookshelves Tuesday. Continue Reading…..

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Trump administration plans on closing PLO office in D.C. By Gabriella Muñoz The Washington Times September 10, 2018 The Trump administration announced Monday that the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington, D.C., will close, and essentially dared the International Criminal Court to push back against that decision. “We have permitted the PLO office to conduct operations that support the objective of achieving a lasting, comprehensive peace between Israelis and the Palestinians since the expiration of a previous waiver in November 2017,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement. “However, the PLO has not taken steps to advance…

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Fox News Insider September 10, 2018 Academy Award winner Jon Voight will join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday to discuss his career, current events and the direction to which the country’s moral compass is pointing. He will also discuss the passing of Burt Reynolds, with which he starred in the 1972 drama “Deliverance.” Reynolds died at the age of 82 on Thursday from cardiac arrest. Continue Reading…..

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