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Author: Freedom Watch
Newsmax TV September 4, 2018
Newsmax TV September 4, 2018
Fox Business September 4, 2018
By Larry Klayman Newsmax September 4, 2018 Ever since the election of Donald J. Trump as our 45th president of the United States, the war between Left and Right has escalated to not just a fever but also a potentially fatal pitch, particularly with the rise of vigilante groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. It has become clear to me in recent months in particular, that in the words of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II there must be total victory by we conservatives and those patriots who support the vision and creation of the…
Trump blames Sessions for indictments of GOP lawmakers New York Post September 3, 2018 President Trump interrupted his Labor Day holiday to launch a raging mid-afternoon tweetstorm at Attorney General Jeff Sessions — apparently blaming him for last month’s indictments of a pair of “very popular” GOP lawmakers. “Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff,” he wrote, referring to California…
CNN Boosts Left-Wing Campaign to Censor Breitbart; Approves ‘Blacklisting’ | Breitbart By Joel B. Pollak Breitbart September 3, 2018 CNN swept aside journalistic ethics on Sunday by endorsing a blacklisting campaign with a glowing interview of Matt Rivitz, the founder of Sleeping Giants, a failed effort to censor Breitbart News by harassing and intimidating companies whose advertisements may (or may not) have appeared on the website. The interview took place on Reliable Sources, a Sunday morning show that once focused on analyzing the media, but which in recent years has been turned into the editorial mouthpiece of CNN…
It’s Not Just Robert Mueller. President Donald Trump Faces Six Separate Investigations And Lawsuits. By Paul Blumenthal HuffPost September 2, 2018 There’s hardly been a day this summer in which President Donald Trump didn’t turn to Twitter to vent his frustration with what the president calls the “RIGGED WITCH HUNT” �������� the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But as the president’s animosity for the special counsel ramps up, the Mueller probe is hardly the only investigation the president has to worry about. Continue Reading…..
Mueller’s report ‘will ultimately determine’ whether to impeach: Panetta ABC News September 2, 2018 A former top-ranking official under Presidents Obama and Clinton said Democrats should hold off on impeachment proceedings if they win control of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections. Leon Panetta, a defense secretary and CIA director under Barack Obama and chief of staff to Bill Clinton, told “This Week” Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview that Democrats should not consider impeachment proceedings until special counsel Robert Mueller releases a report on his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and…
Law enforcement still loves Jeff Sessions Washington Examiner September 2, 2018 Attorney General Jeff Sessions withstood another week of public attacks from President Trump, but there’s one group that’s still standing by him: law enforcement. From day one, Sessions said he intended uphold the law and back those charged with that same duty. “This is a new era. This is the Trump era,” Sessions declared from the U.S.-Mexico border in April 2017. For several months now, Trump has publicly flogged Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, but Sessions is still supported by law enforcement officials around…