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Author: Freedom Watch
Opinion | Let us now praise Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III By Dana Milbank Washington Post August 25, 2018 Let us now praise Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. Rejected for a judgeship by the Senate over accusations of racism, the Alabamian later became a senator known for hostility toward the Voting Rights Act, outspoken opposition to (even legal) immigration, and being the first senator to back Donald Trump for president. Continue Reading…..
Freedom Watch TV August 25, 2018 See also: “Sessions on Life Support as Attorney General,” by Larry Klayman
By Larry Klayman WND August 24, 2018 A few days after former Sen. Jeff Beauregard Sessions was confirmed as attorney general of the United States, I called him on his cellphone. The reason? I wanted to ask him to investigate the apparent wiretapping of Trump Tower by Obama’s Deep State intelligence agencies and the FBI, run at the time by Director of Central Intelligence John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Director of the National Security Michael Hayden and, last but hardly least, FBI Director James Comey. Comey in particular was my focus, as a whistleblower client and…
DiGenova: Sessions ‘Doesn’t Understand His Job’ and ‘Should Resign After Elections’ Fox News Insider August 24, 2018 Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova said Attorney General Jeff Sessions does not understand his job and should give President Trump the “courtesy of a resignation” after the midterm elections. DiGenova — a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia — and Sean Hannity discussed how it would be politically unfavorable for Trump to ever fire Sessions. Continue Reading….. See also: “Sessions to Be Indicted by Freedom Watch Citizens’ Grand Jury!”
Newsmax TV August 24, 2018
Giuliani’s comments add confusion about possible Manafort pardon By Kyle Cheney POLITICO August 24, 2018 While Paul Manafort was on trial for charges of serious financial crimes, President Donald Trump asked his legal team about the prospect of pardoning his former campaign chairman, according to Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer. But Trump ultimately agreed with his legal team to delay the decision until after special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was over, Giuliani told The Washington Post on Thursday. Continue Reading…..
Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Shreds Donald Trump: ‘The Problem Is You’ By Rebecca Shapiro HuffPost August 24, 2018 Fox News host Neil Cavuto issued one of his searing monologues on Thursday, criticizing President Donald Trump for focusing on the stock market’s positive performance while creating “a moral bust.” �������You are so darned focused on promoting a financial boom that you fail to see that you are the one creating this moral bust,” Cavuto said. “And we could all be the poorer for it.” Continue Reading…..
Cohen’s lawyer says he’s completely flipped and will give information of Trump-linked conspiracy with Russia By Alex Lockie Business Insider August 23, 2018 “Michael Cohen knows information that would be of interest to the special counsel regarding both knowledge about a conspiracy to corrupt American democracy by the Russians and the failure to report that knowledge to the FBI,” Davis said. It’s unclear whether Mueller’s team has approached Cohen for information in the special counsel’s investigation. Shortly after Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday without providing information to federal prosecutors, observers began speculating that he might try to “flip” against…
Sessions Blasts Trump: DOJ ‘Will Not Be Improperly Influenced’ By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax August 23, 2018 U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions hit back at President Donald Trump on Thursday after his boss delivered a scathing assessment of his oversight of the Justice Department in a television interview, saying that Sessions did not take control of the Justice Department when he was sworn in. “I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success at effectuating the President’s agenda, one that protects the safety and security and…
Newsmax TV August 22, 2018