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Author: Freedom Watch
Dinesh D’Souza will appear on Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman on Radio America this Sunday, Aug. 5, to discuss his new book and feature film, “Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party.” The show airs each Sunday and can be found at and, as well as YouTube and other networks. Podcast For past shows, see the podcast at Station Listing Call Band Freq City State Date/Time KFARAM660 kHzFairbanksAKSunday 10 pm-11 pm WEBJAM1240 kHzBrewtonALSunday 2 pm-3 pm KBJTAM1590 kHzFordyceARSunday 2 pm-3 pm KNTRFM106.3 MHzLake Havasu CityAZSunday 1 pm-2 pm WCCFAM1580 kHzPunta…
Rosenstein: ‘In Case You Haven’t Noticed,’ My Decisions Don’t ‘Please’ Everyone By Nicole Lafond Talking Points Memo August 3, 2018 During a Chicago gathering of the American Bar Association Thursday, deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who did not once mention special counsel Robert Mueller or Republican efforts to impeach him, lamented to the crowd that his decisions don’t always please people, “in case you haven’t noticed.” “President Trump selected a superb team of skilled and principled lawyers to lead the Department of Justice and our U.S. Attorney’s Offices,” Rosenstein said, according to Politico. “Our decisions do not please…
Brett Kavanaugh Hits Hurdle On Road To Supreme Court By Igor Bobic HuffPost August 2, 2018 Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Thursday that they’ll move forward with the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s pick to the Supreme Court, even if they will not have time to review documents pertaining to his work in the George W. Bush administration. Republicans asked the National Archives and Records Administration last week if it could release thousands of documents relating to Kavanaugh’s time in the White House Counsel’s Office for Bush by Aug. 15. That would give…
By Jason Devaney Newsmax August 2, 2018 Two Newsmax TV guests on “Newsmax Now” tussled over President Donald Trump, Russia, Paul Manafort, and former Sen. Harry Reid, D-Utah, on Tuesday night. The opening segment of the program quickly got heated between former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman and Democratic strategist Joel Payne. Klayman and Jeffrey Lord defended Trump and said Manafort, who briefly served as Trump’s campaign chairman in 2016, is getting a raw deal in regards to his trial on tax evasion and other federal charges that kicked off Tuesday. Continue Reading…..
Newsmax August 2, 2018 Former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman on Wednesday made a double-barreled prediction about how the tax evasion and bank fraud trial of Paul Manafort will end. Klayman, founder of the government watchdog Freedom Watch, told Newsmax TV’s “The Brett Winterble Show” he believes President Donald Trump’s former campaign chair will beat the rap — but even if he does not, Manafort will likely be pardoned by the commander in chief. “I think the jury probably in the end will acquit him,'” Klayman said. But should he be convicted, “Manafort knows that in the end that he…
Peter Strzok, anti-Trump FBI agent, allowed to declassify documents after joining Mueller probe By Rowan Scarborough The Washington Times August 1, 2018 New internal emails show that anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok demanded to preserve all the powers he held as a deputy assistant director as he agreed to move to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe in 2017. The emails show his superiors agreed and made him a “floating” deputy who could still handle counterintelligence cases and declassify documents as he investigated the Trump campaign for Mr. Mueller. Continue Reading….. Watch Video:Justice! – The Difference Between Freedom…
By Jordan Fabian TheHill August 1, 2018 President Trump on Wednesday called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to stop the Russia investigation, a significant escalation of his attacks against the long-running probe that has dogged his presidency. “Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further,” Trump tweeted. Continue Reading…..
Trump to Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Stop Mueller probe ‘right now’ By Tucker Higgins CNBC August 1, 2018 Trump calls on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end Robert Mueller’s Russia probe immediately, escalating his attacks on the inquiry. “Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now,” the president tweets. “Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!” Continue Reading…..
Kim vs. Trump: North Korea’s leaders have never kept their word on nukes. Here’s what the US should do now By Harry J. Kazianis Fox News August 1, 2018 You don’t need a Ph.D. in foreign relations to figure out North Korea’s long-term strategy or intentions. In fact, despite Kim’s smiles and handshakes when he met with President Trump, the North Koreans love to tell us what they are going to do before they do it. Unfortunately, American presidents, members of Congress and top policymakers — both Democrats and Republicans — haven’t been listening most of the time,…
By Todd Beamon Newsmax July 31, 2018 Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman told Newsmax TV on Monday that Rudy Giuliani has simply become “a public relations spokesman” instead of an attorney properly representing President Donald Trump in the Russia investigation. “Rudy Giuliani’s a very nice man, but frankly he’s past his prime here,” Klayman, a former federal prosecutor, told “America Talks Live” hosts Miranda Khan and John Cardillo in an interview. “He’s just a public relations spokesperson.” Continue Reading…..