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Author: Freedom Watch
Newsmax TV July 31, 2018
The US may retaliate against Palestinians leading a major UN group, expert warns By Harini V CNBC July 31, 2018 A United Nations group representing 80 percent of the world’s population handed what appeared to be a victory to Palestinian causes last week. The Group of 77, which makes up about two-thirds of U.N. membership with its 134-country roster, selected Palestinian diplomat Riyad Mansour as the 2019 chairman of the bloc — a move that could lead to more pain for both Palestine and U.N. agencies, according to one expert. Continue Reading…..
Rand Paul says he will support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh By Judson Berger Fox News July 30, 2018 Sen. Rand Paul said Monday that he will support Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh after meeting with him last week. “I believe he will carefully adhere to the Constitution and will take his job to protect individual liberty seriously,” Paul said in a statement. Continue Reading….. See also: Kavanaugh Not a True Conservative, Trump Should Withdraw Nomination, by Larry Klayman The Judge Trump Must Not Pick for SCOTUS, by Larry Klayman
By Michael Tomasky The Daily Beast July 30, 2018 It’s been a maddening truism of these last 18 months that a Mount Everest of events that would have been consuming scandals under previous administrations pass barely noticed under President Trump, so thick and relentless and foul-smelling is the offal through which we’re all being forced to wade. But if there’s one story that deserves to be rescued from the slush pile and given the wide and damning attention it deserves, it’s the case of Bill Shine. Continue Reading…..
Rand Paul Says He’ll Support Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination To Supreme Court By Igor Bobic HuffPost July 30, 2018 Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced on Monday he will support the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. The Kentucky Republican had previously expressed concerns about Kavanaugh’s stance on the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which bans “unreasonable” searches and seizures by government officials. In 2015, for example, Kavanaugh wrote a concurring opinion to a District of Columbia Court of Appeals ruling affirming the constitutionality of the National Security Agency’s warrantless phone records collection program, which allowed…
Trump rails against Mueller in Sunday tweetstorm By Eli Watkins CNN July 29, 2018 President Donald Trump fired off a series of tweets on Sunday lashing out at the special counsel investigation led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller. In the tweets, Trump largely resurfaced previous issues he has with the investigation, claiming Mueller personally has conflicts of interest — including a “contentious business relationship” — that should preclude him from running the investigation, accusing Mueller of bringing on too many Democratic investigators, and making a false claim about the origin of the Russia investigation. Continue Reading…..
Vandals paint Nazi symbols on wall at Jewish temple in Indiana By Jay Croft and Deanna Hackney CNN July 29, 2018 Nazi images, including a swastika, were discovered Saturday morning painted on a structure that is part of a Jewish synagogue in Indiana, the temple said. The swastika and two iron crosses were on a brick wall that goes around a dumpster at the Congregation Shaarey Tefilla in Carmel, just north of Indianapolis. Continue Reading…..
Brett Kavanaugh won’t tip Supreme Court to the right; Democrats should focus on elections By Joshua Sandman, opinion contributor TheHill July 29, 2018 Brett Kavanaugh, based on his record as an appeals court jurist, will be a conservative Justice of the Supreme Court. However, he will not tip the balance of the court right — It is already to the right. So what will his confirmation mean? The political environment in Washington has been plagued by intra-party struggles, inter-party disputes, conflict between the White House and Congress, and ideological struggles. Gridlock often results. Problems are not addressed. Continue…
By Greg Burt California Family Council July 29, 2018 Censorship of conservative content online by media tech giants has become an increasing problem in recent months. In May, the topic was receiving enough media attention that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy called on Amazon to stop censoring censoring the nation’s leading legal nonprofit focused on protecting religious freedom. Out of millions of organizations, Alliance Defending Freedom was singled out and targeted. Even worse, several of these tech giants admit that rely on the discredited attack dog organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center. Continue Reading…..
Jonah Goldberg: So, that summit did not go well By Jonah Goldberg July 29, 2018 I think I can say, without fear of inviting reasonable correction, that the Helsinki summit did not go swimmingly. And yet, some 66 percent of Republicans told ABC News-Washington Post pollsters that they support President Donald Trump’s objectively disastrous performance. I don’t buy it. Continue Reading…..