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Author: Freedom Watch
Freedom Watch TV July 29, 2018
Wavering Rand sets off Supreme Court spectacle By Burgess Everett POLITICO July 23, 2018 Rand Paul is one of a handful of senators who’ll determine whether Brett Kavanaugh lands on the Supreme Court — and the Kentucky Republican has every intention of maximizing his leverage. Paul is again inviting fellow senators to play the will-he-or-won’t-he guessing game when it comes to his decision — expressing grave concerns about Kavanaugh’s approach to personal privacy while insisting his vote could go either way, depending on what the judge says in the coming weeks and months. Continue Reading…..
FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo By Byron York Washington Examiner July 22, 2018 The weekend release of a highly-redacted version of the FBI’s application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to wiretap onetime Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page has renewed the argument over the Nunes memo — the brief report produced by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes detailing problems in the application. From the time of the memo’s release in February, Democrats and some in the press have denounced it as a collection of lies and mischaracterizations. On Saturday night, the denouncing started…
Be like Ben Shapiro By Chris Pandolfo Conservative Review July 22, 2018 “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” —Luke 6:45 People like to say the eyes are a window into the soul, but if you really want to know what people think or feel, listen to their words. Continue Reading…..
Marco Rubio Breaks With Trump: FBI ‘Did Not Spy’ On President’s Campaign By Hayley Miller HuffPost July 22, 2018 Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said on Sunday he doesn’t believe the FBI “spied” on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, as Trump and his allies have repeatedly claimed. Rubio disputed Trump’s characterization during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, saying that FBI investigators were justified in their October 2016 wiretapping of Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. The agents, it has been learned, had reason to believe Russia had sought to recruit Page as part of the scheme to…
Gowdy: Trump advisers should consider quitting over Russia By Eli Okun POLITICO July 22, 2018 House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy chastised Donald Trump for inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington, saying Sunday that some members of the president’s administration should consider quitting if Trump won’t listen to their advice. “The fact that we have to talk to you about Syria or other matters is very different from issuing an invitation,” Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday” of the Putin invitation, which the White House confirmed last week would be extended for the fall. “Those should be reserved…
Katie Pavlich – Judicial Watch: The FBI is Supposed to Release Documents About the FISA Warrant on a Trump Campaign Official Today By Katie Pavlich Townhall July 21, 2018 Government watchdog Judicial Watch expects the FBI to release a series of redacted documents Friday related to the FISA warrant used to surveil former Trump campaign official Carter Page. “The warrants are controversial because the FISA court was never told that the key information justifying the requests came from a minimally-corroborated “dossier” that was created by Fusion GPS, a paid agent of the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee,”…
By Larry Klayman WND July 20, 2018 President Donald J. Trump took a pounding this week, even from his “beloved” Fox News, over his comments at his joint press conference Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This stemmed from his statement questioning the so-called “intelligence” of our intelligence community — namely that Russia is the culprit for hacking the servers of the Democratic National Committee and by extension the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The president cited the obvious fact that the intelligence agencies, comprised of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National…