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Author: Freedom Watch
Even on Fox, Trump’s Helsinki Performance Was ‘Ridiculous’ and ‘Surreal’ By Scott Nover The Atlantic July 16, 2018 When Donald Trump stood side by side with Russian President Vladimir Putin and announced he was taking Putin’s word over that of his own intelligence community, talking heads spun on cable news. And rightfully so. On CNN, Anderson Cooper called Trump’s performance “disgraceful.” Cooper’s face was noticeably cringing and his voice was shaking. John King called the event “the surrender summit.” Dana Bash said journalists “asked the questions of Vladimir Putin that the president of the United States failed to…
Fox News’s John Roberts: Consensus is Trump ‘threw the US under the bus’ By Aris Folley TheHill July 16, 2018 Fox News reporter John Roberts said on Monday that President’s Trump press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin will cost him “dearly politically” amid the “growing consensus” that Trump sided with Russia over the U.S. “The early indications are that this is going to cost the president dearly politically,” Roberts said of the president’s summit with Putin in Helsinki on Monday. Continue Reading…..
Is the REAL Russia Probe About William Browder & Hermitage Capital? With Special Guest Larry Klayman Crowdsource the Truth July 16, 2018 Russian President Vladimir Putin has dropped the press conference equivalent of an H bomb on globalist business magnate William Browder. What would a joint U.S. / Russia criminal investigation look like and what would it be likely to reveal. Legal expert Larry Klayman joins me to discuss.
By Larry Klayman RenewAmerica July 16, 2018 Are you tired of watching “Hannity” on Fox News, with its repetitive usual cast of characters, pounding their chests, bragging about what new information they have uncovered and offering false hope that justice will be done over the alleged crimes of Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Barack Obama and their comrades! This may boost ratings for the network, but it does not lead to any concrete result. Are you then tired of seeing our so-called Department of Justice (DOJ), run by the obviously compromised Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had ceded…
Christie: Media hit Clinton unfairly over hacked emails By Brett Samuels TheHill July 16, 2018 Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said Sunday that the media used hacked emails from the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) “unfairly.” Christie said on ABC’s “This Week,” where he serves as a contributor, that the Justice Department’s indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to hack Democratic servers during the 2016 election underscored the problems with how the media used those documents. Continue Reading…..
Gowdy rules out Rosenstein impeachment By Emily Birnbaum TheHill July 16, 2018 Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) on Sunday ruled out the possibility of impeaching Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, saying there is not enough support for his ouster. “Impeach him for what?” Gowdy said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “No.” “I’m not convinced there is a movement,” Gowdy added, citing Politico’s recent report that a group of GOP lawmakers are preparing to impeach Rosenstein. Continue Reading…..
Gowdy says he won’t support Rosenstein impeachment By Quint Forgey POLITICO July 15, 2018 The chairman of the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Sunday he doesn’t support a push by conservative lawmakers to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. “No. For what? Impeach him for what? No,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” Continue Reading…..
Peter Strzok’s arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI By Michael Goodwin New York Post July 15, 2018 Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad. Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted. Continue Reading…..
Will Hillary persist in 2020? Her actions suggest ‘yes’ By Lauren DeBellis Appell Fox News July 15, 2018 Outside of politics Hillary is lost. Her actions post-election reveal it’s all she ever aspired to, and she doesn’t appear to be letting it go. If she were really interested in making the world better and helping those less fortunate, she would have spent the last 17 months focusing her efforts elsewhere rather than being obsessed with an election she lost. Continue Reading…..
‘Racist and discriminatory’: U.S. Jewish leaders warn Israel against passage of nation-state bill By Allison Kaplan Sommer and Bar Peleg July 14, 2018 Some 7,000 demonstrators marched from Rabin Square to an ’emergency rally’ in Tel Aviv to protest the bill. New Israel Fund CEO: ‘This is tribalism at its worst’ American Jewish leaders, alarmed by the prospect of the controversial nation-state bill law, have intensified their lobbying efforts, strongly urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reconsider his… Continue Reading…..