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Author: Freedom Watch
By Larry Klayman WND July 6, 2018 I know that I keep harping to some extent on an old theme, but it is one I cannot emphasize too much! Ever since I conceived of and founded Judicial Watch almost 24 years ago, I have been preaching about the need for a private Justice Department, free from the deceit, duplicity and rank corruption of the governmental one. Indeed, Judicial Watch was formed to be the “People’s Justice Department,” and that is why as then-chairman and general counsel I brought scores of hard-hitting nonpartisan litigation against not just President Bill and…
Michael Cohen Hires Former Clinton White House Attorney Lanny Davis By Sara Boboltz HuffPost July 6, 2018 Michael Cohen, beleaguered former personal attorney for President Donald Trump, has hired Lanny Davis, a Washington-based lawyer who in the late 1990s advised then-President Bill Clinton as his legal troubles were unfolding. Davis confirmed Thursday that he is representing Cohen, a previously fierce Trump defender who has been under investigation by federal prosecutors in New York for months. Continue Reading…..
The Savage Nation July 6, 2018 Freedom Watch chief Larry Klayman said Thursday that Bill Shine, whom President Donald Trump named as White House deputy chief of staff, was “far worse” than Scott Pruitt, who resigned as EPA administrator after a scandal-plagued tenure. (Listen to the Interview Here) “What Shine is alleged to have done is far worse than anything Pruitt did,” Klayman, who also established Judicial Watch, told conservative talk-show host Michael Savage in an interview. “It’s not too late for the president to do the right thing. Continue Reading…..
By Todd Beamon Newsmax July 6, 2018 Freedom Watch chief Larry Klayman said Thursday that Bill Shine, whom President Donald Trump named as White House deputy chief of staff, was “far worse” than Scott Pruitt, who resigned as EPA administrator after a scandal-plagued tenure. “What Shine is alleged to have done is far worse than anything Pruitt did,” Klayman, who also established Judicial Watch, told conservative talk-show host Michael Savage in an interview. “It’s not too late for the president to do the right thing. Continue Reading…..
Newsmax TV July 5, 2018
Freedom Watch TV July 5, 2018
John McCain, family celebrate Independence Day in Arizona with giant water slides By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez Arizona Republic July 5, 2018 U.S. Sen. John McCain traditionally celebrated Independence Day by greeting service members and diplomats abroad who are fighting for American freedom. This year, Arizona’s ailing senior Republican senator is celebrating the Fourth of July with his family at his family’s retreat near Sedona. His daughter Meghan McCain, political commentator and a co-host of ABC’s “The View,” also is in Arizona. Continue Reading…..
Matt Schlapp: With Brett Kavanaugh, America will have a bold, brilliant Supreme Court justice By Matt Schlapp, opinion contributor TheHill July 5, 2018 For believers in the original meaning of the Constitution, the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy is a special yet perilous moment. For nearly 70 years, Republican presidents have committed repeated unforced errors when it came to making Supreme Court nominations. President Trump owes his successful capture of the GOP nomination in part to his covenant with conservatives that he would appoint only devoted constitutionalists to the nation’s highest court. In dramatic fashion, Trump upped the…
Trump falsely links NSA counterterrorism program to Mueller probe By Shane Harris Washington Post July 5, 2018 In a tweet Tuesday, President Trump falsely connected the recent deletion of information from an intelligence-agency database to the special counsel’s investigation of whether his presidential campaign conspired with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election. “Wow! The NSA has deleted 685 million phone calls and text messages. Privacy violations?” Trump wrote, a reference to the National Security Agency’s decision, announced last week, to purge records legally obtained as part of its counterterrorism and foreign intelligence missions. “They blame…