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Author: Freedom Watch
Sheriff Joe Arpaio will appear with Larry Klayman on Radio America this Sunday, Jun. 24, to discuss the current illegal immigration crisis. The show, named “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman,” airs each Sunday and can also be found as a blog at and as well as YouTube and other networks. Podcast For past shows, see the podcast at Station Listing Call Band Freq City State Date/Time KFARAM660 kHzFairbanksAKSunday 10 pm-11 pm WEBJAM1240 kHzBrewtonALSunday 2 pm-3 pm KBJTAM1590 kHzFordyceARSunday 2 pm-3 pm KNTRFM106.3 MHzLake Havasu CityAZSunday 1 pm-2 pm WCCFAM1580 kHzPunta GordaFLSunday 3 pm-4 pm WFFGAM1300 kHzMarathonFLSunday…
Father says little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother By Gustavo Palencia Reuters June 22, 2018 The Honduran toddler pictured sobbing in a pink jacket before U.S. President Donald Trump on an upcoming cover of Time magazine was not separated from her mother at the U.S. border, according to a man who says he is the girl’s father. The powerful original photograph, taken at the scene of a border detention by Getty Images photographer John Moore, became one of the iconic images in the flurry of media coverage about the separation of families by…
Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli PM, charged with fraud NBC News June 21, 2018 Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was charged with fraud on Thursday for allegedly misusing over $100,000 in public funds to order lavish meals from some of the country’s most famous chefs, a court spokesperson said. The indictment charged that Netanyahu, along with a government employee, fraudulently obtained more than $100,000 for hundreds of meals supplied by restaurants, bypassing regulations prohibiting the practice if a cook is employed at the home. Continue Reading…..
ABC News falsely convicts Paul Manafort of manslaughter New York Post June 20, 2018 ABC News accidentally convicted an indicted former top Trump aide of crimes he was never charged with in an onscreen graphic that aired Wednesday. It appeared during the network’s special coverage of President Trump’s announcement that he would reverse course on his administration’s “zero tolerance” border policy, which led to thousands of children being taken from their parents and ignited a firestorm of condemnation. Continue Reading…..
Newsmax TV June 20, 2018
McConnell backs bill to keep immigrant families together By Alexander Bolton TheHill June 19, 2018 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday announced his support for a bill to keep immigrant families detained at the border together. “I support, and all of the senators of the Republican conference support, a plan that keeps families together,” McConnell told reporters. Continue Reading…..
Freedom Watch TV June 19, 2018
Freedom Watch TV June 18, 2018
Freedom Watch TV June 18, 2018
Horowitz, FBI boss Christopher Wray face Senate grilling on bombshell report By Samuel Chamberlain Fox News June 18, 2018 FBI Director Christopher Wray and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz are expected to be the centers of attention Monday when they testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Horowitz’s bombshell report on the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email server. Horowitz’s report, released Thursday, singled out then-FBI Director James Comey for harsh criticism and referred five other bureau employees for potential disciplinary action. Continue Reading…..