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Author: Freedom Watch
Yes, Hillary Should Have Been Prosecuted | National Review By Victor Davis Hanson National Review June 16, 2018 I know this is ancient history, but — I’m sorry — I just can’t let it go. When historians write the definitive, sordid histories of the 2016 election, the FBI, Hillary, emails, Russia, and Trump, there has to be a collection of chapters making the case that Hillary should have faced a jury of her peers. The IG report on the Hillary email investigation contains the most thoughtful and thorough explanation of the FBI’s decision to recommend against prosecuting Hillary.…
‘Judicial Watch’ President Tom Fitton on I.G. Report: Don’t Trust The Media, Read It Yourself Real Clear Politics June 16, 2018 Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joins Tucker Carlson to talk about the Justice Department inspector general’s report’s findings in the handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation. Fitton said the 500-page I.G. report is “the beginning of the story” and “the connection between Peter Strzok, the Clinton emails, and the Russia investigation has yet to be investigated by the I.G.” Continue Reading….. See also: “How Clinton��������s email scandal took root” (Washington Post)
Dear Fellow Patriot: As you know, the long awaited report of the Inspector General (IG) of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued recently and predictably it was a whitewash and cover-up. While making certain factual findings that former FBI Director James Comey was “insubordinate” and that his henchmen special agent “lovebirds” Robert Struk and Lisa Page went after the presidential candidate Donald Trump to prevent him from becoming president, the IG report holds no one accountable to the bar of justice. To add insult to injury, the current FBI Director Christopher Wray, a Deep State swamp creature, says…
By Larry Klayman WND June 15, 2018 The long-awaited report of the inspector general (IG) of the U.S. Department of Justice was released Thursday, and predictably, it was a whitewash and cover-up. While making certain factual findings that former FBI Director James Comey was “insubordinate” and that his henchmen such as “lovebirds” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page went after the presidential candidate Donald Trump to prevent him from becoming president, the IG report holds no one accountable to the bar of justice. To add insult to injury, current FBI Director Christopher Wray, a deep state swamp creature, says that…
Judge orders Manafort to trade in ankle monitors for a jail cell NBC News June 15, 2018 WASHINGTON — Paul Manafort is going to jail. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office convinced a federal judge on Friday to revoke the bail of President Donald Trump’s former campaign chief after he was accused of witness tampering. “I cannot turn a blind eye to this,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said in a Washington courtroom, explaining that she could not just release Manafort with more restrictions. Continue Reading…..
John McCain Torches Trump’s ‘Bad Negotiating Tactic’ With Kim Jong Un By Andrew Desiderio The Daily Beast June 14, 2018 Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Thursday criticized President Donald Trump for his handling of his meeting earlier this week with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, arguing that Trump was wrong to agree to suspend joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises. “Making unnecessary and unreciprocated concessions is not in our interests—and it is a bad negotiating tactic,” McCain said in a statement, adding that Trump was “parroting Chinese and North Korean propaganda” when he called the exercises “provocative.” McCain,…
Newsmax TV June 14, 2018
Newsmax TV June 14, 2018