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Author: Freedom Watch
Obama, Hillary And Kerry Rip Trump Over Iran. Sarah Sanders Flattens Them With One Statement. Daily Wire May 10, 2018 On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders took aim at the three most prominent Americans who have slammed President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran deal: former President Barack Obama and former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. After Obama had released a long statement filled with prevarications, Clinton had declared America’s “credibility is shot” and Kerry had intoned Trump’s decision “weakens our security, breaks America’s word” and “isolates us from our…
With Clinton out of the picture, stampede of 2020 Dems hits New Hampshire Fox News May 9, 2018 Several potential presidential candidates are making trips this weekend to the state that traditionally holds the first primary on the road to the White House — part of a wave of hopefuls taking advantage of the expectation that Hillary Clinton, who kept young candidates on the sidelines last time, is politically finished. One visitor is Julian Castro, who says he’ll decide whether he runs for the 2020 Democratic nomination after November’s midterm elections and before the end of this year.…
Freedom Watch TV May 8, 2018 See also: “Here’s How to Get Rid of Robert Mueller,” by Larry Klayman
Comey casts doubt on judge who slammed Mueller probe By Eli Okun POLITICO May 8, 2018 Former FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday criticized a judge who voiced skepticism about the prosecution of Paul Manafort, saying the judge’s comments about overstepping were themselves going too far. “I don’t know how a federal judge could possibly know enough about an investigation … to offer a view like that,” Comey said in an interview with The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig. Continue Reading…..
Nunes Doubles Down on Holding Sessions in Contempt for Documents By Anna Edgerton Bloomberg May 8, 2018 The leader of the House Intelligence Committee is threatening to move quickly on a vote to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt of Congress if the Department of Justice doesn’t turn over material related to the Russia investigation. Chairman Devin Nunes said it doesn’t matter that Sessions recused himself from decisions regarding Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election; he’s the head of the Justice Department, so he would be the initial target of a contempt resolution. Continue Reading…..
Mueller rejects Trump request to answer questions in writing CBS News May 8, 2018 Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is now on President Trump’s legal team, told CBS News correspondent Paula Reid Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s office has rejected proposals to allow Mr. Trump to answer questions from investigators in writing. The president’s legal team has signaled that this would be their preferred format for a possible interview, since it helps protect Mr. Trump from the possibility of lying or misleading investigators, which is a criminal offense. Giuliani told CBS News it will take…
Jake Tapper: McCain not wanting Trump at his funeral is ‘real moment for the country’ By Jacqueline Thomsen TheHill May 7, 2018 CNN’s Jake Tapper is weighing in on a New York Times report that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) doesn’t want President Trump at his funeral, calling it a “real moment for the country.” “This is a real moment for the country where an American hero, somebody who is beloved in many, many ways, is saying, ‘I don’t want this guy at my funeral,'” Tapper said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Continue Reading…..
The quest to build a million Obamas By Hunter Schwarz, CNN’s COVER/LINE CNN May 6, 2018 Barack Obama is done being on ballots, but there will be ample opportunities to support him in 2018. A club of young politicians is trading on his popularity and mission to kick-start their own careers. And its all part of the master plan the former President has laid out. At 56, Obama is more popular than he’s been in nearly a decade, and as an ex-president, his favorable ratings are expected to keep rising. At a time when our politics has become…
John McCain: I regret picking Sarah Palin as running mate New York Post May 6, 2018 Arizona GOP Senator John McCain said Saturday he’s sorry he chose then-Alaska governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the presidential race he lost to Barack Obama. He told the New York Times that if he could do it over he would have picked former Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut. Lieberman told The Times that he hadn’t known McCain felt that way. “It touched me greatly,” he said. Continue Reading…..
NUNES: Congress to Hold AG Sessions in Contempt | Sara A. Carter Sara A. Carter May 6, 2018 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes revealed Sunday that Congress will hold Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt for refusing to turn over classified information the committee has requested, he stated in a phone interview with Fox and Friends. The Department of Justice also shot back on Sunday, releasing the letter sent to Nunes on May 3, which addressed the classified information Nunes had requested. It appears from the letter Nunes had asked for information on a…