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Author: Freedom Watch
Devin Nunes to push to hold Jeff Sessions in contempt By Alex Swoyer The Washington Times May 6, 2018 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes said Sunday he will be pushing to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt this week for not complying with a subpoena. The California Republican said his committee sent a letter requesting classified information regarding its probe into FISA abuses and counterintelligence investigations, including the targeting of Americans like former Trump campaign official Carter Page, but it was ignored. Continue Reading…..
FBI not requesting personal accounts from agents who exchanged text messages By Luis Sanchez TheHill May 5, 2018 A top FBI official told Congress this week that the bureau has not requested text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who faced criticism after it was revealed they exchanged messages critical of President Trump. Charles Thorley, the acting assistant director of the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs, said in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) this week that FBI employees are required to follow record-keeping policies when communications “constitute records under the…
McCain’s inner circle planning on having Pence, not Trump, at funeral: report By Max Greenwood TheHill May 5, 2018 Those close to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have told the White House that their plan for the Arizona Republican’s eventual funeral is to have Vice President Pence attend — but not President Trump, The New York Times reports. The funeral is expected to take place at the Washington National Cathedral, according to the Times. But Trump, with whom McCain has had a tempestuous relationship, is not expected to attend the service, at least not according to current planning, the…
Freedom Watch TV May 5, 2018 See also: “Here’s How to Get Rid of Robert Mueller,” by Larry Klayman
By Larry Klayman WND May 4, 2018 I like Rudy Giuliani and have met and spoken to him on several occasions. But this week’s appearance on “Hannity” did not do any justice — pun intended — to the president of the United States! As the president acknowledged Friday morning in passing as he was on his way to the NRA convention in Dallas, his new lead criminal defense counsel needs to get his facts straight, having created a mess in his bizarre and most likely factually inaccurate explanation of the Stormy Daniels payout by Trump attorney Michael Cohen. Giuliani…
Judge Scolds Mueller: You’re Just Using Manafort to Impeach Trump By Mark Swanson Newsmax May 4, 2018 A federal judge challenged special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecution of Paul Manafort, scolding prosecutors Friday for squeezing the former campaign manager to get information that would help impeach President Donald Trump. “The vernacular is, ‘to sing,'” Judge T.S. Ellis III, a Ronald Reagan appointee, told prosecutors in the Alexandria, Virginia, courtroom. Ellis was hearing motion-to-dismiss arguments in the Virginia case, in which Mueller’s team has charged Manafort with filing false income tax returns, failing to report foreign bank accounts and bank…
Newsmax TV May 3, 2018
World fumes over Abbas’s antisemitism By Tovah Lazaroff, Tamara Zieve The Jerusalem Post | May 3, 2018 “The Holocaust did not occur in a vacuum, it was the result of thousands of years of persecution,” UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov said on Wednesday. “This is why attempts to rewrite, downplay or deny it are dangerous.” Mladenov along with the European Union, Sweden, Germany and US officials from both the Trump and Obama administrations spoke out sharply against Abbas’s words spoken Monday night to the Palestinian National Council in Ramallah. Continue Reading…..
Crowdsource the Truth 2 May 3, 2018