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Author: Freedom Watch
Sessions: Mueller probe has taken on ‘life of its own’ By John Bowden TheHill April 26, 2018 Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday defended his decision not to appoint a second special counsel to investigate alleged bias in the Justice Department, saying the current probe into Russia’s election meddling has already taken “on a life of its own.” Asked by a House Appropriations panel about GOP accusations of surveillance abuse, Sessions told lawmakers that the Robert Mueller probe proved that it was a bad idea to appoint special counsels “willy-nilly.” Continue Reading…..
Operation Freedom with Dr. David Janda April 26, 2018
People’s State of the University: How student protesters’ demands have changed over the years By Likhitha Butchireddygari The Chronicle April 26, 2018 “A remarkable similarity exists between the demands of the Vigil Class of 1968, the demands made by black students the next year and the demands made by student protesters every few years since then, including in 2016 and 2018,” the letter reads. In 2016, students who were a part of Duke Students and Workers in Solidarity (DSWS) took over the Allen Building after The Chronicle published articles about Executive Vice President Tallman Trask III hitting a…
Senate panel approves bill to protect special counsel By Jordain Carney TheHill April 26, 2018 The Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation on Thursday to protect special counsel Robert Mueller. In a 14-7 vote, the panel approved the bipartisan proposal that deeply divided Republicans on the committee. With every committee Democrat backing the legislation, only one Republican was needed to secure passage. Continue Reading…..
Natalie Portman and the Crisis of Liberal Zionism By Eric Levitz Daily Intelligencer April 26, 2018 This month, Israeli snipers shot hundreds of Palestinian protesters — including one journalist wearing a vest marked “PRESS” — who posed no life-threatening danger to them, or to the people they’re meant to protect. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman then justified these shootings on the grounds that “there are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” suggesting that the area’s 1.8 million Palestinian men, women, and children are all legitimate targets of state violence. Meanwhile, Israel reneged on an agreement with the…
Michael Avenatti: “Can’t Overstate Importance” Of Cohen’s 5th Amendment Plea | The Last Word | MSNBC YouTube April 26, 2018 The lawyer for Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti, says that Michael Cohen’s decision to assert his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination could be the biggest development yet in his case against Trump and Cohen. Lawrence discusses the fallout with Avenatti and Mimi Rocah. Continue Reading…..
Michael Cohen says he will plead the Fifth Amendment in Stormy Daniels case By Christal Hayes USA TODAY April 26, 2018 President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen says he will plead the Fifth Amendment in the case brought by adult film star Stormy Daniels. Cohen made the assertion in a signed statement filed in federal court Wednesday. He said in the filing he would assert his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination because of a criminal investigation targeting him, which led to his New York office, home and hotel room being raided by federal agents earlier this month. Continue…
Megyn Kelly’s Spectacular Failure Can No Longer Be Denied By Isha Aran Splinter April 25, 2018 Once again, NBC is coming to terms with the idea that maybe they shouldn’t have spent all that money to bring on Megyn Kelly. Once again, Megyn Kelly Today has lost even more viewers, and once again, while consultants and anyone with eyes can see that the show was a grave misstep, Kelly and her team are feebly insisting that things will be better when viewers get to know the “real” Kelly. Unfortunately for her, the problem is that we already do.…
Newsmax TV April 25, 2018 See also: “Citizens’ Grand Juries Are the Only Way to Get Justice,” by Larry Klayman
Sessions Declines to Recuse Himself From Probe Into Trump Lawyer By Chris Strohm April 24, 2018 Attorney General Jeff Sessions has decided against recusing himself from the investigation into President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, but will consider stepping back from specific questions tied to the probe, according to a person familiar with the matter. By contrast, Sessions recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election that’s now led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a decision that angered Trump and left Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in charge of the inquiry. Continue…