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Author: Freedom Watch
EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers By Cameron Joseph Talking Points Memo April 24, 2018 Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice. Two Capitol Hill sources independently confirmed to TPM that Fitzgerald was serving as a lawyer for Comey. Continue Reading…..
By Larry Klayman Newsmax April 24, 2018 The American people — that is those who care about eliminating what now appears to any sane individual to be a dual system of justice — are not stupid. While predictions by Sean Hannity during last night’s show that the hammer is about to come down on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, his compromised leftist prosecutors, James Comey, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch and others (who Sean claimed near sole credit for having ensnarled in supposed government criminal investigations), this is no time to drink the Fox host’s “Kool Aide”…
Opinion | Rod Rosenstein has made two critical missteps By Harry Litman Washington Post April 23, 2018 In recent weeks, he has capitulated to political pressure from the president and his allies in Congress. He has yielded to demands from the most rabid opponents of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe in a way that harms the long-term interests of the Justice Department and likely does little to protect the probe or Rosenstein’s own job. To be fair to Rosenstein, he is under enormous, improper pressure from his ultimate boss, the president of the United States, as…
North Carolina city bans any training with Israel police or IDF By Anna Ahronheim The Jerusalem Post | April 23, 2018 A city in North Carolina has become the first municipality in the United States to ban training and other forms of exchange between its police department and Israel’s military or police. The Durham City Council voted 6-0 to adopt the policy after a petition by a coalition of activist groups called “Demilitarize! From Durham2Palestine,” which includes Jewish Voice for Peace, garnered close to 1,400 signatures. Continue Reading….. April 22, 2018 Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman’s decision not to accept the Genesis Prize and her statements on the matter border on anti-Semitism. Portman said she would not accept the award in the presence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was scheduled to speak at the award ceremony to be held in Jerusalem. “Natalie Portman has played into the hands of the worst of our haters and of the worst of the anti-Semites in the Middle East,” Steinitz said in an interview on Sunday with the Kan public broadcasting corporation. Portman had made…
Meet the prosecutor experts say could be Robert Mueller’s Supreme Court closer By Lauren Pearle Good Morning America April 22, 2018 Special counsel Robert Mueller built a team of more than a dozen prosecutors to investigate Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election, but experts say one member might best be considered “the closer”: Michael Dreeben. “I don’t have many insights into his legal approach except to say there is no human being, on the planet, with more knowledge about federal criminal law than Michael Dreeben, and no one with more expertise than him,” said Leah Litman,…
Report: Mueller Team ‘Amused’ by Rudy Giuliani’s Goal to End Russia Probe By Todd Beamon Newsmax April 22, 2018 Rudy Giuliani said he joined President Donald Trump’s personal legal team to bring an end to the Russia probe, but special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators are said to be “amused” by the former New York City mayor’s objective. “If Rudy comes to Mueller trying to negotiate anything short of a presidential guilty plea, he will likely be met by deaf ears,” a lawyer following the case told Fox Business for a Friday report. Continue Reading…..
I Was a Top Clinton Aide. Here’s What I Think About Comey’s Book. By Jennifer Palmieri POLITICO Magazine April 21, 2018 I have never met Jim Comey. We overlapped briefly in the Obama administration—he, as FBI director; I as director of communications at the White House—have mutual friends and even the same literary agents. We’ve lived important parallel experiences.In 2016, I led the communications team on Hillary Clinton’s campaign in a race where Comey’s interjections helped throw the election to Donald Trump. Continue Reading…..
Freedom Watch TV April 21, 2018
Crowdsource the Truth April 21, 2018