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Author: Freedom Watch
Report: Rod Rosenstein reassured Trump on Mueller investigation Axios April 19, 2018 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told President Trump last week at the White House that he “isn’t a target of any part” of the Mueller probe, Bloomberg reports, citing two people familiar with the matter. But, but, but: Trump isn’t under investigation now, but that could change. “Trump may not officially be a target,” an official told Bloomberg, “but Mueller hasn’t ruled out making him one at some point in the future.” Continue Reading…..
Trump declared he’s running again. Many Republicans aren’t ready to back him. By Manu Raju, CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent CNN April 19, 2018 A wide-array of House and Senate Republicans are not yet ready to endorse President Donald Trump’s bid for a second term, a reflection of the deep uncertainty on Capitol Hill over his political standing amid growing problems at home and abroad. In interviews with a cross-section of more than two dozen GOP lawmakers, ranging from rank-and-file members, conservatives and party leaders, many refused to say they’d back Trump’s re-election bid — a surprise declaration given…
Republicans Push Bill To Protect Mueller, Without McConnell’s Support By Kelsey Snell April 19, 2018 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., does not support a measure that would make it harder for President Trump to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, but that isn’t stopping some Republicans from forcing the debate. North Carolina Republican Thom Tillis said Wednesday that he will continue working on a bill to allow Mueller access to speedy judicial review if Trump tries to force him out of his job leading the Justice Department investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election — with…
9th Circuit appoints special prosecutor against Sheriff Joe Arpaio By Alex Swoyer The Washington Times April 18, 2018 A federal appeals court said this week it will appoint a lawyer to argue that former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s contempt of court conviction should remain on his record despite President Trump’s pardon. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that since the federal Justice Department is supporting both the pardon and Mr. Arpaio’s request to have his conviction stricken, someone else needs to argue the other side. Continue Reading…..
Freedom Watch TV April 16, 2018 0:00 Good afternoon, I’m Larry Klayman. You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. And I’m currently the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. 0:09 Over the weekend, we heard an interview on ABC with George Stephanopoulos, and I might say a very corrupt, dishonest individual who I fought. He was Clinton’s communications director in the 1990s. 0:21 Judge Royce Lamberth actually made a ruling that he had perjured himself, lied during a deposition. Unbelievable that he’s now become a major commentator. He’s really a dishonest,…
Comey speculates Russians may have damaging info on Trump AP News April 16, 2018 WASHINGTON (AP) — In his scathing appraisal of the man who fired him as FBI chief, James Comey cited “some evidence of obstruction of justice” in President Donald Trump’s actions and speculated that Russians might have dirt on the president. Trump struck back, branding Comey a criminal. Their war of words escalated Monday after Comey, in an ABC interview broadcast the night before, labelled Trump “morally unfit” for office. Continue Reading…..
Freedom Watch TV April 14, 2018
4 sets of swamp creatures that must go down! By Larry Klayman WND April 13, 2018 It’s time that the persons most responsible for the jihad against President Donald Trump, his family and others associated with him be held to legal account. Some of these characters sit in high positions in our government and on the courts, while others slither around the political gutters of Washington, D.C. Indeed, there is an evil cloud hovering over our nation’s so-called capital, filled with the stench of hypocrisy, dishonesty and outright illegality that is snuffing out our body politic. If it…