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Author: Freedom Watch
‘Here I stand’: Rosenstein tells confidants he’s prepared to be fired NBC News April 13, 2018 WASHINGTON — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has struck a stoic and righteous tone in private conversations he has had this week about the fate of his job as President Donald Trump has launched public criticism against him and considered firing him, according to three sources who have spoken to Rosenstein. In those conversations, he has repeated the phrase, “Here I stand,” a reference to Martin Luther’s famous quote, “Here I stand, I can do no other.” Coincidentally, former FBI Director James…
Opinion | Newt Gingrich’s shameless smear of the FBI By Jennifer Rubin Washington Post April 13, 2018 Newt Gingrich laughs during an interview at Kennesaw State University in Georgia in September 2016. (Curtis Compton/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/AP) Normally one can safely ignore Newt Gingrich’s bombast. He holds no position in the Trump administration, and is not thought to be among those who regularly counsels the president. However, when he says something so egregious that he risks polluting public debate in consequential ways, it is time to speak up. That is what he did on Thursday, and a major civil rights…
Freedom Watch TV April 12, 2018 0:00 Good afternoon, my name is Larry Klayman. You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. I’m currently the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. 0:09 We saw what happened in the last few days with regard to the raid on the president’s lawyer Michael Cohen, unprecedented in American history. No privacy rights, nothing. And in fact attorney-client privileges were violated. 0:21 I went through this when I sued the NSA under Obama for violating my attorney-client privilege with the mass surveillance which they were conducting…
NYT: Records related to ‘Access Hollywood’ tape a focus of FBI Cohen raid By Veronica Stracqualursi CNN April 11, 2018 FBI agents were seeking records related to the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape when they raided the office and hotel room of President Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen earlier this week, The New York Times reported Wednesday. According to the Times, which cited three sources briefed on the contents of the federal search warrant, the FBI also sought evidence of whether Cohen attempted to suppress damaging information about Trump during the 2016 campaign. The Times said Cohen’s connection to…
Opinion | We’ve seen this movie before. It ended with impeachment. By Kathleen Parker Washington Post April 11, 2018 We’ve seen this movie before. It would seem but a matter of time before the president of the United States is asked a question under oath and gives a false answer. A lie, in other words. In the prequel, starring Bill Clinton, impeachment followed. When the FBI, after a referral from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, raided the offices and hotel room of Trump attorney Michael Cohen , the thud of the other shoe dropping sent ripples along…
Freedom Watch TV April 11, 2018 0:00 Good afternoon, my name is Larry Klayman. You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. I’m currently the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. 0:09 There’s a petition on our website at Sign the petition to have us bring our legal cases, which are in progress, to not only remove Robert Mueller, the special counsel who’s out of control and doing all kinds of illegal and criminal acts, but also to force the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as well as his Deputy…
Judge Napolitano: Cohen Office Raid Likely Over Payment to Stormy Daniels By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax April 10, 2018 Monday’s raid on the offices of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen was likely conducted as an investigation into bank fraud in connection with a payment the lawyer admitted making to adult entertainer Stormy Daniels, Judge Andrew Napolitano said Tuesday. “I suggest to you what they were looking for is this bank fraud,” Napolitano, now the senior judicial contributor for Fox News, told “Fox & Friends.” “Michael Cohen famously admitted paying stormy Daniels $130,000 not to talk about her…
Newsmax TV April 10, 2018