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Author: Freedom Watch
Peeling back the layers of Hillary Clinton’s deceit By Michael Goodwin New York Post February 11, 2018 For law enforcement, Congress and even journalists, exposing misdeeds is like peeling an onion. Each layer you remove gets you closer to the truth. So it is with the scandalous behavior of the FBI during its probe into whether President Trump’s campaign conspired with Russia in 2016. One layer at a time, we’re learning how flawed and dirty that probe was. Continue Reading…..
Trump says lives being destroyed by ‘a mere allegation’ after staffers resign over domestic abuse claims By Adam Shaw Fox News February 10, 2018 President Trump appeared to weigh in on the resignation of two White House staffers accused of domestic abuse Saturday, bemoaning that lives are being destroyed by “a mere allegation.” “Peoples [sic] lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new,” he tweeted. “There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no…
Freedom Watch TV February 10, 2018
How to Really Hamstring the Establishment By Larry Klayman WND February 9, 2018 I have spent the last week — as I have many before in the last several years since I left this town to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida — in Washington, D.C. The gray clouds that hovered over our nation’s capital for the last several days, coupled with the cold temperatures, reminded me why I remain a proud citizen of Florida, a state that not only has sunshine and warmth, but a sense of optimism to life. The District of Columbia, however, seems,…
Why the Hell Is Hope Hicks Getting Off Easy? By Erin Gloria Ryan The Daily Beast February 9, 2018 What the hell is wrong with Hope Hicks? The White House communications director spent at least part of this taxpayer-funded week on the job helping draft a fawning statement in defense of her boyfriend on behalf of her boss. The boyfriend, White House staff secretary Rob Porter, was accused of abusing both of his ex-wives. Hicks’ boss is White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a former general who, despite months ago spending some of his taxpayer-funded time pontificating…
By Steven Nelson Washington Examiner February 9, 2018 Conservative legal activist Larry Klayman is petitioning President Trump for an appointment to be special counsel to investigate possible crimes committed by Hillary Clinton and her associates. Klayman, a colorful litigator with three decades of head-turning pursuits, told the Washington Examiner he will form a “citizen’s grand jury” to review evidence against Clinton if Trump doesn’t appoint him special counsel by the end of November. Continue Reading…..
By Valerie Richardson The Washington Times February 8, 2018 Federal prosecutors moved Wednesday to dismiss the charges against four low-level figures in the 2014 Nevada standoff, including two Bundy brothers, but it wasn’t all good news for the Bundy ranching family. The prosecutors also asked U.S. District Court Chief Judge Gloria Navarro to reconsider her Jan. 8 decision to throw out the case against Cliven Bundy, his sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and Ryan Payne over “flagrant prosecutorial misconduct,” including withholding evidence. Continue Reading…..
By Valerie Richardson The Washington Times February 8, 2018 The Bundy camp has launched a legal offensive against federal and state authorities, filing three civil lawsuits in the last two weeks challenging public-lands policy in Nevada and alleging official misconduct in the 2016 Oregon standoff. The spate of civil suits comes with the Bundys on something of a roll after twice thwarting federal prosecutors. A federal judge on Jan. 8 threw out charges against Cliven Bundy, sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and Ryan Payne stemming from the 2014 Nevada standoff over prosecutorial misconduct. Continue Reading…..
George W. Bush says Russia meddled in 2016 U.S. election By Jon Gambrell The Washington Times February 8, 2018 Former President George W. Bush said on Thursday that “there’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled” in the 2016 American presidential election, forcefully rebutting fellow Republican Donald Trump’s denials of Moscow trying to affect the vote. While never mentioning President Trump by name, Bush appeared to be pushing back on Trump’s attempts to have warmer relations with Russia, as well as his comments on immigration. Continue Reading…..
‘Delegitimizing’ Mueller? Don’t Blame the Nunes Memo By Andrew C. McCarthy National Review February 8, 2018 The most bitter dispute over the Nunes memo involves Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. This might seem odd since the memo, published last week by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee chaired by Devin Nunes (R. Calif.), does not address the Mueller investigation. Rather, it homes in on potential abuses of foreign-intelligence-collection authorities by Obama-era Justice Department and FBI officials, said to have occurred many months before Mueller was appointed. Continue Reading…..