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Author: Freedom Watch
Newsmax TV February 5, 2018
Clinton crony George Stephanopoulos slashes vacation mansion price amid pressure over lavish ABC salary By Brian Flood Fox News February 5, 2018 “Good Morning America star and Clinton crony George Stephanopoulos has slashed the price of his Hamptons mansion as the liberal ABC newsman faces increased pressure over his lofty salary. Stephanopoulos and his wife, the socialite and actress Ali Wentworth, have re-listed their summer vacation home on Long Island’s ultra-exclusive East End, shedding almost $1 million off the 2016 listing price, the New York Post reported, citing Continue Reading…..
Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department By Byron York Washington Examiner February 5, 2018 The newly released document is an unclassified and heavily redacted version of the criminal referral targeting Steele filed on Jan. 4 by Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. It appears to confirm some level of coordination between the extended Clinton circle and the Obama administration in the effort to seek damaging information about then-candidate Trump. According to the referral, Steele wrote the additional memo based on anti-Trump information…
McCain, Coons to introduce new immigration bill that omits wall funding: report By Julia Manchester TheHill February 4, 2018 Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Christopher Coons (D-Del.) will introduce immigration legislation on Monday in an effort to reach a budget deal before the federal government’s current funding runs out on Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported. The bipartisan piece of legislation provides recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, commonly known as “Dreamers,” an opportunity for citizenship while ordering a study to figure out what border security measures are needed, according to the Journal. Continue…
Judge: Comey Memos to Stay Sealed By Solange Reyner Newsmax February 4, 2018 The memos James Comey made of conversations he had with President Donald Trump when he was FBI director will remain private as releasing them, “could reveal sensitive nonpublic information and compromise” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, a federal judge ruled Saturday according to a report in Politico. Mueller is investigating whether there was any coordination between Trump’s campaign team and the Russian government as part of the Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Continue Reading…..
Democrat ex-CIA boss Panetta calls GOP FISA memo ‘irresponsible’ By Joseph Weber Fox News February 4, 2018 Former CIA Director Leon Panetta suggested Sunday that House Republicans were “irresponsible” in releasing their politically-charged “FISA memo” because they didn’t gather enough information to put their charges in context. The Republican leaders of the House Intelligence committee argued in the memo they released Friday that FBI and Justice Department officials, as part of the Russia collusion investigation, requested a surveillance warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on a Trump campaign adviser that was based, at least in part, on…
Durbin: Firing Mueller or Rosenstein over Nunes memo ‘could precipitate a constitutional crisis’ By Maegan Vazquez CNN February 4, 2018 The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate says Republicans may be setting the stage for a “constitutional crisis” if they use the Nunes memo to end the special counsel’s Russia investigation. “To say that that’s the end of the investigation, that this is all that Donald Trump needs to fire (Deputy Attorney General Rod) Rosenstein or to fire (special counsel Robert) Mueller, I’ll just tell you, this could precipitate a constitutional crisis,” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, said on…
By Lorraine Silvetz, MSW Liberty Nation February 4, 2018 What President Trump has experienced with regard to the deceit and prosecutorial misconduct with the FBI and the Justice Department, the Bundys have experienced, too, so they have similar experiences here. This cesspool of a Justice Department has been persecuting the President and doing a lot of illegal things, including illegal unmasking, wiretaps, and leaks of Grand Jury information…you name it. I think the President can identify with the Bundys and vice versa. That’s why we’re seeking a meeting with him because we need to work with him to clean…
By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch February 4, 2018
Nunes ‘abused’ his power on intelligence committee, former CIA director says By Shane Harris Washington Post February 4, 2018 The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency on Sunday blasted a Republican memo alleging abuses of power by the FBI and the Justice Department. John Brennan accused Rep. Devin Nunes (R.-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, of selectively releasing information to accuse law enforcement officials of improperly obtaining a warrant to monitor the communications of a former Trump campaign adviser. Continue Reading…..