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Robert Mueller is ‘perfect guy to get to the bottom’ of Russia probe: Top GOP senator By Rachel Tillman ABC News January 28, 2018 A top GOP senator and ally of President Donald Trump said he thinks special counsel Robert Mueller “is the best person to look at” whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice through any possible interference with the Russia investigation, and said he has “complete confidence” in the special counsel. “Mueller is doing a good job. I have confidence in him to get to the bottom of all things Russia,” Graham told “This…
Dershowitz: I Wouldn’t Have Campaigned for Obama If I Knew About Farrakhan Pic Fox News Insider January 27, 2018 Harvard Law Professor and longtime Democrat Alan Dershowitz said he would not have campaigned for then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) if he knew about the future president’s photo op with Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, is a “virulent anti-Semite and anti-American,” Dershowitz said on “Fox & Friends.” Continue Reading…..
Stymied with Mueller, Trump reportedly mulls firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein The Week January 27, 2018 President Trump reportedly backed off his threats to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller last year under pressure from White House Counsel Don McGahn, but more recently, CNN reports, he has expressed an interest in firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein instead. Rosenstein oversees Mueller’s probe into Russian election meddling efforts and alleged Trump campaign collusion, and multiple unnamed sources tell CNN the president has complained about him in recent weeks. “Let’s fire him, let’s get rid of him,” Trump reportedly says…
Las Vegas Review-Journal January 26, 2018 Lifelong Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, recently cleared of federal charges and freed from jail after nearly two years, has turned his sights on state and county government. In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Clark County District Court, Bundy claimed that former President Barack Obama’s late 2016 establishment of Gold Butte National Monument, which occurred while the rancher was in federal custody, was “as illegal as it is unlawful” and would preclude him from continuing to function on his land and destroy his livelihood. Continue Reading…..
By Bob Unruh WND January 26, 2018 Only days after a federal judge delivered a stinging rebuke to a prosecution assembled under Barack Obama’s administration over a land standoff in Nevada, many of the participants are heading back to court. This time, rancher Cliven Bundy is seeking a judicial ruling that the federal land in Nevada on which he was grazing cattle belongs to the state of Nevada and the people of Clark County, not the U.S. government. Continue Reading…..
By Larry Klayman WND January 26, 2018 Among many reports, the big news this week coming out of the “Capital of Corruption” is that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was interviewed under oath by the rabid pro-Clinton-Obama and anti-Trump prosecutors of Special Counsel Robert Mueller! The reason for this: Sessions is a target or at least a subject of Mueller’s criminal probe into alleged Trump collusion with Russia as well as the attorney general’s role in the firing of disgraced former FBI Director James Comey. First, with regard to the Russian collusion investigation, is Sessions’ stupid error of judgment, during…
In a Trump hunt, beware the perjury trap By Patrick J. Buchanan WND January 26, 2018 Asked if he would agree to be interviewed by Robert Mueller’s team, President Donald Trump told the White House press corps, “I would love to do it … as soon as possible … under oath, absolutely.” Continue Reading…..
Trump Launched Campaign to Discredit Potential FBI Witnesses By Max Boot Foreign Policy January 26, 2018 President Donald Trump pressed senior aides last June to devise and carry out a campaign to discredit senior FBI officials after learning that those specific employees were likely to be witnesses against him as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, according to two people directly familiar with the matter. In testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8, recently fired FBI Director James Comey disclosed that he spoke contemporaneously with other senior bureau officials about potentially improper efforts by the…
President Trump reportedly ordered Robert Mueller’s firing NY Daily News January 26, 2018 President Trump wanted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether his campaign colluded with Russian officials in the election, last June but didn’t after the White House counsel threatened to quit, according to a report. White House counsel Don McGhan refused Trump’s order to ask the Justice Department to fire Mueller, and was worried the axing would raise more questions about the administration’s potential involvement with Russia, The New York Times reported Thursday citing sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity.…