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Author: Freedom Watch
By Bob Unruh WND January 5, 2018 He sued the National Security Agency and won in district court. He sued to get Barack Obama’s birth certificate. He sued Hugo Chavez on behalf of torture victims. He sued journalists. He sued the Taliban and al-Qaida. He sued Cuba and won a multimillion-dollar judgment. He sued to get then-President Obama deported. Now, Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, has obtained on a petition the signatures of almost 11,000 people who want him named special counsel to investigate the Clintons, Uranium One and…
Freedom Watch TV January 5, 2018 0:00 Good afternoon, my name is Larry Klayman. You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. I’m currently the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. 0:10 Freedom Watch has been very active over the years in trying to bring freedom to the Iranian people in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a repressive, radical Islamic regime that has killed people, some of our clients in the past. The great Akbar Mohammadi was slaughtered. He was one of the leaders of the student movement in 2009. 0:30 And…
Paul Manafort’s Desperate Legal Gamble By Norman Eisen and Conor Shaw POLITICO Magazine January 5, 2018 When faced with the choice of whether or not to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller, George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn reached the same wise conclusion: far better to strike a deal than bet on unknown contingencies such as presidential pardons. But former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has made a very different calculation. He has stubbornly fought Mueller, all but daring him to file charges, and when he did, excoriating them through his lawyer’s public statements. Now, by filing a federal…
Roy Moore’s real Jewish lawyer is a Liberty University graduate who ‘has accepted Christ’ By Derek Hawkins Washington Post January 5, 2018 The identity of Roy Moore’s mysterious Jewish attorney has been revealed — again. And, as it turns out, he’s not exactly Jewish. Several publications, including The Washington Post, had identified Richard Jaffe, a prominent Jewish defense lawyer, as the person the failed Republican Senate candidate’s wife, Kayla, was likely referring to when she said during a rally last month that “one of our attorneys is a Jew.” Jaffe had represented the couple’s son on a drug…
Netanyahu’s video in support of Iranian protesters is his most viral yet By Herb Keinon The Jerusalem Post | January 5, 2018 Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky told The Jerusalem Post this week that the support of the free world is critical for those Iranians deciding whether they should take an active part in demonstrations. “When there is a critical mass of people who say they don’t accept the regime, it falls; but for this, millions have to be ready to say that,” said Sharansky, who spent nine years in the Soviet gulag for his dissident and…
Freedom Watch TV January 4, 2018 0:00 Good afternoon, my name is Larry Klayman. You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. I’m currently the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. 0:09 I’d like you to go to and sign a petition and support Freedom Watch, because we have brought hard-hitting cases to have Special Counsel Mueller, who is persecuting not just the president and everybody around him, but others involved, such as Manafort and Rick Gates, with regard to investigations that have nothing to do with this original mandate. 0:36 Is…
Freedom Watch TV January 4, 2018 0:00 Good afternoon, my name is Larry Klayman. You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. I’m currently the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. 0:10 We have posted on our website at a petition to have me appointed special counsel to investigate all of the Hillary Clinton and Obama scandals. Obviously, this hasn’t been done in nine years, even the people in Congress who make a lot of noise, go on Fox News, do a lot of publicity, really never get to the issue.…
Justice Department will again probe Clinton’s email server Axios January 4, 2018 The Department of Justice will take another look at the handling of classified documents on Hillary Clinton’s email server, according to a report from The Daily Beast. Among other things, the new inquiry is set to examine the volume of classified data on Clinton’s server and who might have transferred documents into an unclassified setting. Why it matters: The news comes after President Trump has actively promoted reopening the investigation into Clinton’s emails, suggesting on Tuesday via Twitter that Clinton associate Huma Abedin and former FBI…
Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan: Time for Jeff Sessions to go By Reps. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan Washington Examiner January 4, 2018 As the first year of the Trump administration comes to a close, one can’t help but look back on how allegations of “Russian collusion” dominated the headlines of almost every news agency. Hearings, leaks, and so-called “bombshells” saturated the mainstream media coverage almost immediately after the 2016 presidential campaign concluded. Sadly, manufactured hysteria on this issue throughout 2017 has frequently masked the substantial accomplishments of President Trump’s administration — some that qualify as historic. The…