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Author: Freedom Watch
Lawmakers briefed by Yale psychiatrist on Trump’s mental health: report By Brett Samuels TheHill January 4, 2018 More than a dozen lawmakers last month met with a Yale University psychiatry professor for two days to discuss President Trump’s fitness for office, Politico reported Wednesday. Dr. Bandy X. Lee reportedly met with the group of lawmakers on Dec. 5 and Dec. 6 and warned them the president is “going to unravel.” All of the lawmakers in attendance were Democrats, except for one Republican senator. Continue Reading…..
Paul Manafort Sues Mueller and Asks a Judge to Narrow the Russia Investigation By Matt Apuzzo New York Times January 3, 2018 WASHINGTON — President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, sued the special counsel on Wednesday and asked a federal court to narrow his authority, escalating Republican efforts to discredit an investigation that has stretched longer than the White House expected. The unusual move comes as Mr. Trump tries to portray the investigation as a politically motivated witch hunt that has cast a dark cloud over his administration and, in his view, the country. Continue Reading…..
Trump ex-campaign chair Manafort sues Mueller, Rosenstein and Department of Justice By Tucker Higgins CNBC January 3, 2018 Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has sued special counsel Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the Department of Justice in U.S. federal court, alleging that Mueller has strayed beyond the scope of the investigation he was authorized to pursue. Manafort’s suit also alleges the order appointing Mueller exceeds the deputy attorney general’s authority. As a result, all actions taken by the special counsel “must be set aside,” it argues. “The actions of DOJ and Mr. Rosenstein in…
Russia Probe Grand Jury Looks Like ‘a Black Lives Matter Rally,’ Says Witness Page Six January 2, 2018 “The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” my source said. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley [Calif.]” Of the 20 jurors, 11 are African-Americans and two were wearing “peace T-shirts,” the witness said. “There was only one white male in the room, and he was a prosecutor.” Mueller was not present. Continue Reading…..
Trump attacks his ‘deep state’ Justice Department in wake of Huma Abedin report By Dylan Stableford January 2, 2018 President Trump began his first full day of 2018 by attacking the Department of Justice while relaying a new report about the handling of sensitive emails by Hillary Clinton’s top aide, who served on a campaign he vanquished more than a year ago. “Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,” Trump tweeted on Tuesday. “She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail!…
As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale By Andrew C. McCarthy National Review January 2, 2018 The totality of the evidence undermines the Times’ collusion narrative. ‘ Trump Adviser’s Visit to Moscow Got the F.B.I.’s Attention.” That was the page-one headline the New York Times ran on April 20, 2017, above its breathless report that “a catalyst for the F.B.I. investigation into connections between Russia and President Trump’s campaign” was a June 2016 visit to Moscow by Carter Page. It was due to the Moscow trip by Page, dubbed a…
By Larry Klayman Newsmax January 2, 2018 In 1994 I conceived of and founded Judicial Watch to be in effect a people’s bar association and also a Justice Department to watch over the judiciary. As I wrote about in my autobiography, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment!”, in my then 17 years of legal practice I had encountered many judges, particularly on the federal bench, who were prone to wear their politics on their sleeve. Among the most egregious at that time was the Honorable Denny Chin of the U.S. District Court for the Southern…
Chief Justice Roberts says courts will examine protections against sexual harassment By Robert Barnes Washington Post January 1, 2018 Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. announced an initiative Sunday to ensure there are proper procedures in place to protect law clerks and other court employees from sexual harassment, saying it is clear that the federal judiciary “is not immune” from a widespread problem. The statement, in Roberts’s 2017 State of the Judiciary Report , follows the retirement last month of Judge Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. The influential 67-year-old judge stepped…
James Comey hopes for ‘ethical leadership’ in 2018 NY Daily News January 1, 2018 Former FBI Director James Comey, whose firing became one of the most important stories of 2017, said goodbye to the year with a parting shot at his old boss. “Here’s hoping 2018 brings more ethical leadership, focused on the truth and lasting values. Happy New Year, everybody,” he posted on Twitter Sunday evening. Continue Reading….. Wishing the President and You a Happy New Year Free of Mueller and Comey!
Freedom Watch TV December 31, 2017