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Author: Freedom Watch
Opinion | Trump finally turns on the formerly ‘wonderful man’ Michael Flynn By Paul Waldman Washington Post December 28, 2017 Ever since Michael Flynn left the White House after a mere 24 days as national security adviser, the relationship between him and President Trump has been one of the most intriguing and potentially important factors in the Russia scandal. Nearly a month ago, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador, a plea that was part of a deal to cooperate with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. And now at…
Breitbart’s Disgrace By David French National Review December 27, 2017 When news cycles are crowded with outrage — some of it justified, much of it hysterical — it’s easy to lose track of the significant stories. There was one last week that conservatives can’t let slide down the memory hole. Breitbart’s editor-in-chief, Alex Marlow, admitted in an interview with CNN’s Oliver Darcy that its full-court-press in favor of Roy Moore was motivated by a desire to protect Donald Trump and that Marlow actually thought Leigh Corfman’s claims against Moore “had a lot of credibility.” Corfman, you might recall,…
By Bob Barr Townhall December 27, 2017 Trump should immediately direct Attorney General Jeff Sessions to halt the lengthy and unfair prosecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. The nearly four-year old prosecution of Bundy, his sons, and a number of their many supporters, has been more than a prosecution. It has been a crusade; begun under former Attorney General Eric Holder in 2014, continued all this past year by an interim career prosecutor in Las Vegas, and abetted by a federal judge appointed by Obama and whose animus toward Bundy is palpable. Continue Reading…..
Mueller is reportedly investigating whether the Trump campaign coordinated voter outreach with Russian trolls The Week December 27, 2017 Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election will churn on, Yahoo News reported Wednesday, as Mueller has apparently taken an interest in the online advertising operation built by the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee last year. The investigation will reportedly seek to determine whether the Trump campaign and the RNC worked in conjunction with Russian-backed social media accounts that posted false or inflammatory political content. Business Insider’s Natasha Bertrand pointed out that Russian…
By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch January 3, 2018 Larry Klayman conceived of and founded Judicial Watch, Inc., on July 29, 1994, as an anti-corruption watchdog dedicated to investigating and prosecuting corruption in government and our legal system. At the time, Klayman had been a trial lawyer of 17 years, having been a prosecutor in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (Justice), where he served on the trial team that broke up AT&T, creating competition in the telecommunications industry. He also represented several agencies, such as the FTC, FDA, CPSC, NTSB and FRB.…
Robert Mueller May Indict Paul Manafort Again By Betsy Woodruff The Daily Beast December 26, 2017 From its inception, two things about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation were clear: first, the White House’s biggest concern was that Mueller would follow the money; and second, Mueller is following the money. It’s been seven months since Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered Bob Mueller to take over the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into possible links between the Kremlin and people associated with the Trump campaign. Trump’s lawyers have long said they expected the probe to stay focused and end quickly. Instead,…
This is why Hillary needed a pardon before Obama left office By John Crudele New York Post December 26, 2017 Late last week, a top FBI lawyer named James Baker was reassigned. The Washington Post said it was part of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s effort to assemble his own team of senior advisers. But there’s probably more to it. The FBI has been accused — correctly, I believe — of partisanship, especially when it came to handling the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Continue Reading…..
GOP congressman calls for ‘purge’ of the Justice Department The Week December 26, 2017 A Florida congressman has called for a “purge” of the Justice Department, echoing President Trump’s own suspicions of a “taint” among the officials. “People need a good, clean government,” insisted Rep. Francis Rooney (R-Fla.) on Tuesday. MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson pushed back on Rooney, noting that “there are those who look at comments like the one you’re making and say Republicans are working to essentially try to discredit the Department of Justice and thus discredit the Russia investigation.” Continue Reading…..
Trump slams ‘bogus’ Russian dossier and says the FBI is ‘tainted’ By Meghan Keneally ABC News December 26, 2017 President Donald Trump may have slowed his tweeting over Christmas break, but now that the holiday is over, he’s back at it, going after his critics and the integrity of the Russia investigation. This morning, Trump tweeted claims made by Fox News commentators about the infamous dossier that contained potentially damaging allegations about Trump’s campaign and the candidate himself. Continue Reading…..
Clinton nemesis Ken Starr calls for bipartisan commission to investigate Russia election meddling By Noor Al-Sibai Raw Story December 25, 2017 Ken Starr, the former solicitor general who served as independent counsel during the investigation of former President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, wrote in an op-ed that the solution to accusations of partisanship against special counsel Robert Mueller could lie in a bipartisan investigation. In his editorial for The Washington Post, Starr wrote that despite his belief in the “honor and integrity” of both Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller appears to have “chosen…