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Author: Freedom Watch
Freedom Watch TV December 24, 2017
Larry Klayman, Esq. Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch
By Larry Klayman WND December 22, 2017 Dear Jeff: As you know, shortly after your confirmation as attorney general early this year, we spoke by phone. During our conversation, I requested that you review the criminal prosecution of my client Cliven Bundy and by extension his sons Ryan, Ammon, Dave and Mel, as well as the other defendants. I explained that this prosecution was unwarranted, it apparently having been forced on former Attorney General Loretta Lynch by former President Barack Obama and then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The latter had defamed the Bundy family as “domestic terrorists” after…
Newsmax TV December 22, 2017 0:14 JOHN BACHMAN, HOST: I want to bring in Larry Klayman. He’s going to be with us in just a second to talk about new details that have just come forth from NBC News as it pertains to the Uranium One deal. 0:25 Welcome, Larry Klayman. Good to see you. I know you were going to be doing an interview with Miranda. I’m just stepping in here real quick. I want to get a quick take. We have about two minutes left before we go to commercial break. 0:36 These new developments about Uranium…
AG Sessions orders examination of Bundy case after mistrial over prosecution bungling By Valerie Richardson The Washington Times December 21, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions stepped into the Bundy prosecution after Wednesday’s mistrial, ordering a third-party examination of the case in light of the latest government snafu. “The attorney general takes this issue very seriously and has personally directed that an expert in the [Justice Department’s] discovery obligations be deployed to examine the case and advise as to the next steps,” said Ian D. Prior, the department’s principal deputy director of public affairs, in a late Wednesday statement.…
Clinton mulls role in 2018 midterms By Amie Parnes and Mike Lillis TheHill December 21, 2017 Hillary Clinton has all but avoided appearing at campaign events since her stunning 2016 loss, but some Democrats believe she would be a welcome voice in the 2018 midterms. Despite polling that shows Clinton with low favorability ratings, they say the former secretary of State could help Democratic candidates in congressional districts she won last year. “For me, it’s a no-brainer,” former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman during the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, said in an…
Cliven Bundy Legal Defense Fund December 21, 2017 Click to View PDF
By Larry Klayman WND December 21, 2017 I have written and talked about this on my show on and in prior columns. Our United States attorney general, Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, has not been present at my once-proud alma mater, the U.S.. Department of Justice. Instead — save for his abolitionist tendencies toward sanctuary cities and marijuana, and given his confused if not “spaced out” behavior one ironically has to wonder what the AG smokes on his free time — he has been absent when it comes to enforcing the rule of law against those who believe as if…
4 theories why Hillary Clinton isn’t popular By Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large CNN December 20, 2017 You would think that with President Donald Trump’s approval ratings at historic lows for a first-year president, the candidate he beat in the 2016 election might see a similar improvement in their popularity numbers — a sort-of buyer’s remorse bump. That has not been the case with Hillary Clinton. In fact, the opposite has been true. Hillary Clinton’s approval dipped to 36% in a December Gallup poll, the lowest mark ever measured for the former senator and first lady in the survey.…
Twitter suspends white nationalists as it enforces new rules AP News December 18, 2017 NEW YORK (AP) — Twitter suspended the accounts of well-known white nationalists Monday, moving swiftly to enforce its new rules aimed at reducing what it deems abusive content. The account of far-right group Britain First, a small group that regularly posts inflammatory videos purporting to show Muslims engaged in acts of violence, was among the first to go dark. The individual accounts of two of its leaders, Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, were also suspended. Continue Reading…..