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Author: Freedom Watch
Opinion | ‘Fox News ruined people’s lives’: Sexual assault victim speaks out on CNN By Erik Wemple Washington Post December 18, 2017 The bonus round of scrutiny that media mogul Rupert Murdoch invited with some clueless remarks last week is still roaring. “Fox News ruined people’s lives,” said Tamara Holder in a stunning interview with Brian Stelter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources.” “Let me be clear: I had a man pull out his penis in his office and shove my head on it,” said Holder, a former Fox News contributor who in February reached a settlement worth more…
9th Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski steps down after accusations of sexual misconduct By Maura Dolan December 18, 2017 Alex Kozinski, a prominent voice on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, retired abruptly Monday in the face of more than a dozen reports of sexual misconduct. Kozinski, who served more than three decades on the appeals court, faced allegations that he showed clerks pornography, improperly touched women and kept a chart of his college sexual partners. Continue Reading…..
By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch December 18, 2017 I have written and talked about this on my show on and in my past columns. Our Attorney General (AG) Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions has not been present at my once-proud alma mater the U.S. Department of Justice (“Justice”). Instead, save for his abolitionist tendencies toward sanctuary cities and marijuana — and given his confused if not “spaced out” behavior one has to ironically wonder what the AG smokes on his free time — he has been absent when it comes to enforcing the rule of law…
Family of Miss Iraq forced to flee after selfie with Miss Israel NY Daily News December 18, 2017 Miss Universe contestant Sarah Idan has confirmed that her family has fled their home country of Iraq after a harmless selfie with Miss Israel led to repeated death threats. Sarah Idan, who represented the war-torn country last month in Las Vegas, sat down with CNN to talk about the picture for the first time since its message of understanding set off a wave of social media attacks. Continue Reading…..
A ‘coup in America?’ Fox News escalates anti-Mueller rhetoric. By Samantha Schmidt Washington Post December 18, 2017 President Trump and his supporters at Fox News have used many words to describe the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III into the possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to influence the 2016 presidential election. There’s Trump’s personal favorite: “witch hunt.” Fox News commentators have called the investigation “illegitimate” and “corrupt.” Sean Hannity charged earlier this month that Mueller has put the country “on the brink of becoming a banana republic.” Continue Reading…..
Mueller’s office defends investigation after Trump team slams email access Fox News December 18, 2017 President Trump on Sunday blasted special counsel Robert Mueller for obtaining “unauthorized” access to thousands of emails sent and received by his presidential transition team before the start of his administration. “Not looking good, it’s not looking good,” Trump said on Sunday. “It’s quite sad to see that– my people were very upset about it. I can’t imagine there’s anything on them, frankly, because, as we’ve said, there’s no collusion, no collusion whatsoever.” Continue Reading…..
By theunitedwest YouTube December 18, 2017 Rasha Mubarak – CAIR Leader & President of the Young Democrats of Orange County sponsored an anti-semitic hate fest on December 8, 2017 at Lake Eola Park, Orlando, Florida. CAIR, Young Democrats of OC, and Organize Florida held a rally protesting the United States moving our Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem, but that is not what really motivated them. You will see Rasha Mubarak’s friend Said Lutfi, scream every anti semitic, Jewish hating curse, in both Arabic and English at our camera crew. We translated the Arabic curses and one of them was a…
Opinion | The final straw: Rupert Murdoch needs to go By Jennifer Rubin Washington Post December 17, 2017 Unless you’ve been living under a rock — or are the aging executive chairman of News Corp. — you know that Fox News has been ground zero in the epidemic of sexual assault scandals in which powerful men have abused younger, more vulnerable women. Fox, of course, has been slammed by a series of sexual harassment cases that cost the company tens of millions in settlement money and ended the careers of Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, Eric Bolling and Fox…
Jeff Sessions can not run the Justice Department, former congressman says By Greg Price Newsweek December 17, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be to blame for the “deep systemic problems” at the Justice Department and is the reason Special Counsel Robert Mueller even has an investigation into President Donald Trump, a former top Republican congressman said Saturday. Former House Oversight Committee Chairman turned Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz explained his reasons for why the former Alabama Republican senator needed to leave his post as the head of the nation’s top law enforcement agency. Continue Reading…..
Texas Senator Challenges Legitimacy Of Mueller Probe As Push For Firing Continues HuffPost December 17, 2017 Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) slammed former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in a tweet, and indicated that special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings on possible Russian collusion with the Trump campaign will only be “legitimate” if Republicans like his findings. The outburst began late Friday after Holder tweeted: “Speaking on behalf of the vast majority of the American people, Republicans in Congress be forewarned: any attempt to remove Bob Mueller will not be tolerated. These are BS attacks on him/his staff…