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Author: Freedom Watch
President Trump defends Michael Flynn for lying to FBI by claiming Hillary Clinton did the same thing By David Jackson USA TODAY December 4, 2017 WASHINGTON — President Trump defended his former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Monday for lying to the FBI — by bashing 2016 election opponent Hillary Clinton and claiming she did the same thing. “Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI, nothing happened to her,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Flynn lied and they destroyed his life. I think it’s a shame.” Continue Reading…..
Obama: We need to elect more women because ‘men seem to be having problems’ By Jacqueline Thomsen TheHill December 4, 2017 Former President Obama called for more women to be elected to office “because men seem to be having some problems these days,” French news agency AFP reported. Obama, who made the comment at an invitation-only event in Paris on Saturday, was referring to the numerous allegations of sexual misconduct made against prominent men, including several U.S. lawmakers. Continue Reading…..
Mueller poses ‘existential threat’ to Trump’s presidency: Trump friend Chris Ruddy ABC News December 3, 2017 President Donald Trump’s friend Chris Ruddy, the CEO of Newsmax Media, said Special Counsel Robert Mueller “poses an existential threat to the Trump presidency.” Ruddy, who spoke as part of a roundtable on ABC News’ “This Week” Sunday, said he has talked to the president about the federal probe of Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion by Trump associates. Continue Reading…..
Bedeviled by Anti-Israel Boycotters at Duke By Peter Reitzes The Tower December 3, 2017 I recently met a couple who told me that their Jewish daughter attends Duke University, which they believe to be a great school for Jewish students. I would be pleased to share their enthusiasm. But in certain pockets of that institution, a serious, faculty-driven, anti-Israel bias exists, often expressed publicly and unreservedly. Recently, Duke University Press (DUP) published The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability, by Jasbir Puar. Elsewhere, I have written about Paur’s modernized brand of blood libel, which often relies on the…
Freedom Watch TV December 3, 2017
Opinion | The Men Who Cost Clinton the Election By Jill Filipovic New York Times December 2, 2017 Matt Lauer, like Charlie Rose and Mark Halperin before him, is a journalist out of a job after his employer fired him for sexually harassing female colleagues. It’s good news that real penalties are now leveled on men who harass — after centuries of the costs mostly befalling the women who endure harassment. But the deep cultural rot that has corroded nearly all of our institutions and every corner of our culture is not just about a few badly behaved…
By Todd Beamon Newsmax December 2, 2017 Michael Flynn’s guilty plea in the Russia investigation is an indication of things to come, Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman told Newsmax TV on Friday. “Anybody with any degree of criminal defense experience, particularly in Washington, D.C., knows that you don’t plead Gen. Flynn out for one count of perjuring yourself to the FBI,” Klayman, a former federal prosecutor, told “Newsmax Now” host Bill Tucker. Continue Reading…..
Trump keeps playing nice with Mueller, for now By Darren Samuelsohn POLITICO December 2, 2017 President Donald Trump’s lawyers have been counseling him since this past summer to play nice with special counsel Robert Mueller. Cooperation with the Russia probe, the president’s attorneys have argued, is the best path to the exoneration Trump has craved all year — a way not just to get things over with quickly, but also to signal to prosecutors that the administration has good intentions and nothing to hide. Continue Reading….. VIDEO: Klayman Advises Trump to Fire His Lawyers After Flynn Plea Deal!…
Klayman: To the Contrary, Sen. Blumenthal: Go to and Help Me Remove Mueller!
Dem senator: Mueller must be protected from ‘another Saturday Night Massacre’ By Brandon Carter TheHill December 2, 2017 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) warned Friday that Congress must protect special counsel Robert Mueller from being fired by President Trump, or risk “another Saturday Night Massacre.” “We proposed legislation that would stop [Trump] from firing the special counsel, and it would shield the special counsel from any sort of political interference, which now seems increasingly threatening,” Blumenthal said on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes.” Continue Reading…..
By Larry Klayman WND December 1, 2017 No matter how hard President Trump’s lawyers try to spin it, or favorably disposed media try to downplay it, the criminal charges filed today, with the entry of a plea against and cooperation agreement concerning retired Gen. Michael Flynn, do not bode well for the White House. Flynn pleaded guilty of one count of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and with yet another leak from the special counsel it appears that no jail time will be recommended, only probation, if Flynn cooperates with Mueller and his team of Trump-hating…