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Author: Freedom Watch
WHAT IF ROY MOORE WINS? By Scott Rasmussen November 23, 2017 When Donald Trump appointed Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as Attorney General, it was widely assumed that his permanent replacement would be a Republican. But the scandals and allegations surrounding Republican nominee Roy Moore have challenged that assumption. It would be a stunning turn of events for a Democrat to win in a state Donald Trump won by 28 percentage points. If that happens, as I noted last week, Democrats might win control of the Senate in 2018. Continue Reading…..
Freedom Watch November 23, 2017 Click to View Image
New Law Moots Freedom Watch’s NSA Lawsuits: Judge By Kyle Jahner Law360, Washington (November 22, 2017, 7:52 PM EST) — A D.C. federal judge dismissed two lawsuits filed in 2013 by the founder of conservative advocacy group Freedom Watch Inc. against the National Security Agency, ruling Tuesday that a 2015 law barring its indiscriminate bulk metadata collection programs mooted the lawsuits’ request for injunctive relief. Despite Larry Klayman’s bid to reach discovery because of documented government untrustworthiness on the programs, Judge Richard J. Leon — who enjoined one of the programs in 2013 after finding NSA efforts likely…
Former ethics director: Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch Act By Miranda Green CNN November 23, 2017 A former director of the US Office of Government Ethics says he filed an official complaint against White House counselor Kellyanne Conway for what he argues was a violation of the Hatch Act after she attacked GOP Alabama Senate hopeful Roy Moore’s opponent on television. Walter Shaub, who served as ethics director under the Obama administration, said Conway likely violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits White House officials from advocating for or against candidates, even in media interviews. Continue Reading…..
By Lukas Mikelionis Fox News November 22, 2017 The Democratic nominee in the heated Alabama Senate race once defended a man in court who has ties to the Ku Klux Klan and Holocaust deniers, complicating his record on the campaign trail as a civil rights champion. Former U.S. Attorney Doug Jones is running against Republican candidate Roy Moore for the Senate seat, which was long occupied by now-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Continue Reading…..
Newsmax TV November 22, 2017
By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch November 22, 2017 Hillary Clinton, the Wicked Witch of the Left, has spent the last week largely protesting that if a special counsel is finally appointed to investigate and likely prosecute her racketeering enterprise known as the Clinton Foundation — which took bribes on her and Bill’s behalf to grease the sale of uranium to Russian interests — it would be an abuse of process and an affront to the rule of law. Notwithstanding my petition to be appointed that special counsel at the direction of President Donald Trump (Go…
Justice Dept. investigating Harvard over affirmative action policies By Laura Jarrett CNN November 21, 2017 The Justice Department has concluded Harvard University is “out of compliance” with federal law, according to documents obtained by CNN. The Justice Department’s battle with Harvard potentially sets the stage for the first major legal test of affirmative action policies under the Trump administration. Last year, the US Supreme Court ruled that race can be one among many factors universities use in making admission decisions. Continue Reading…..
Note to Robert Mueller: Hope Hicks was part of the cover-up By David Corn Mother Jones November 21, 2017 Hope Hicks’ time in the barrel may come soon. Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly aiming to interview the White House communications director as part of the Trump-Russia investigation. When he and his team of lawyers do so, they presumably will be mindful that the 29-year-old Hicks told one of the biggest whoppers of the 2016 campaign. Two days after Donald Trump won the election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the Russian government had been in contact…
Freedom Watch TV November 20, 2017