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Author: Freedom Watch
Fox News November 16, 2017 Go to to Support Cliven!
(Washington, D.C., November 16, 2017). Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Case No. 1:17-CV-02459) to force Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray and the heads of the Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Inspector General (IG) to expeditiously investigate and remedy the continuing illegal grand jury leaks and conflicts of interest emanating from the Office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Having previously filed an administrative complaint with OPR and…
We Don’t Need a Special Counsel to Investigate the Clinton Foundation By Andrew C. McCarthy National Review November 15, 2017 Republicans, whether in the White House or on Capitol Hill, do not seem to appreciate how much they may be undermining what they say they want — a serious investigation of the Clinton Foundation and such related matters as the Uranium One transaction, the interplay between the foundation and the operation of the State Department during Secretary Clinton’s tenure, and the question of whether that interplay explains the use of the improper private email system and the destruction…
Opinion | Donald Trump Jr.’s incredible history of dumb decisions By Dana Milbank Washington Post November 15, 2017 With all the documentation of Russian collusion piling up, President Trump’s best excuse may be that his people were too incompetent to organize a conspiracy. Luckily for him, an innocent-by-reason-of-stupidity defense has the virtue of being plausible. For example, there is clear and compelling evidence that Donald Trump Jr. is dumb as a post. Continue Reading…..
Fox Analyst Steps Down From Management at Her Law Firm After Saying Women Often Lie About Sexual Harassment By Jordan Weissmann Slate Magazine November 15, 2017 The Fox News legal analyst who told Sean Hannity that women regularly lie about sexual harassment and that actual victims of predators are rare has stepped down from management at her law firm following the controversy over her comments. Mercedes Colwin, an employment lawyer who specializes in defending corporate executives accused of harassment, will no longer serve as the managing partner of Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani’s New York office, according to a…
George H. W. Bush apologizes after woman accuses him of groping her when she was 16 By Jessica Estepa USA TODAY November 14, 2017 George H. W. Bush apologized Monday after another woman said the former president groped her during a 2003 photo op when she was 16 years old. Time magazine reported on Monday that Rosyln Corrigan is accusing Bush of groping her buttocks when she was standing next to him for a photo at a November 2003 event at a CIA office, which she attended with her parents. Continue Reading…..
Sessions considering second special counsel to investigate Republican concerns, letter shows By Matt Zapotosky Washington Post November 14, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions is entertaining the idea of appointing a second special counsel to investigate a host of Republican concerns — including alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation and the controversial sale of a uranium company to Russia — and has directed senior federal prosecutors to explore at least some of the matters and report back to him and his top deputy, according to a letter obtained by The Washington Post. The revelation came in a response by…
Judge Nap: ‘We Need an Attorney General That Does His Job’ Fox News Insider November 13, 2017 Judge Andrew Napolitano said a special counsel is not necessary in this case, but an attorney general who does his job is. “Jeff Sessions needs to erase the image that he is reluctant to do his job. He shouldn’t be, because America needs a vigorous attorney general to enforce federal law,” Napolitano said on “America’s Newsroom.” Continue Reading…..
New accuser claims Roy Moore sexually assaulted her By Art Moore WND November 13, 2017 Shortly after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore to withdraw from the special election in Alabama in response to allegations of sexual misconduct by four women, a fifth woman came forward Monday, represented by celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred. Allred — a Democrat known for representing women who make sexual-assault claims against prominent figures — introduced Beverly Young Nelson at a news conference in Madison, New York. Nelson alleges Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she…
Two former intel chiefs blast Trump By Eli Watkins CNN November 12, 2017 A pair of former US intelligence chiefs blasted President Donald Trump Sunday after he attacked them a day earlier while discussing his recent conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Sunday on CNN”s “State of the Union” that Trump’s downplaying of the threat posed by Russia’s meddling in last year’s election was dangerous to US national security and allows countries like Russia and China to “play” the President. Former CIA Director John Brennan said Trump is allowing Putin…