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Author: Freedom Watch
Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund research that led to salacious Trump dossier Fox News October 24, 2017 The controversial dossier containing salacious allegations about President Donald Trump and his possible connections to Russia, including coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, resulted from funding by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee to the firm Fusion GPS, a source familiar with the situation confirmed to Fox News. Fusion GPS was retained by Marc E. Elias, an attorney representing the DNC and the Clinton campaign, The Washington Post first reported Tuesday. Fusion GPS then reportedly hired…
Reid gone from D.C. — but still pulling strings By Gabriel Debenedetti, Burgess Everett POLITICO October 24, 2017 LAS VEGAS — The Senate is done with Harry Reid, but Harry Reid isn’t done with politics — not even a little bit. The 77-year-old ex-Democratic Senate leader has been encouraging multiple Democrats to run for president, he acknowledged to POLITICO in an interview late last week at his work space two miles from the Las Vegas Strip. He skewered the congressional Republicans whom he blames for the rise of Donald Trump. And while insisting he’s leaving the daily tactical…
US spy chiefs implore Congress to ‘reauthorize’ mass surveillance of internet users RT International October 24, 2017 US intelligence officials are fighting to renew the controversial spying program which allows agencies to conduct bulk surveillance on internet users. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act gives US intelligence permission to spy on and store internet data and communications of foreign people living outside the US. Continue Reading…..
Don Lemon’s open letter to Trump: ‘Please stop!’ By Don Lemon CNN October 24, 2017 I’ve interviewed you multiple times. You’ve introduced me to your family. You’ve also criticized me publicly … both in front of cameras and on Twitter. Calling me “hateful,” “dumb,” a “lightweight.” Some of your friends have suggested you expected better of me. Continue Reading…..
Megyn Kelly lashed out at FOX News and Bill O’Reilly in an emotional monologue on ‘Today’ By Maxwell Tani October 23, 2017 NBC News host Megyn Kelly spoke out against her former colleague Bill O’Reilly and her former employer Fox News during an emotional monologue on Monday. In a five-minute segment, Kelly said that during her time at the network, it “was not exactly a friendly environment for harassment victims who wanted to report in my experience.” (Though she noted that the network had made significant recent improvements). Continue Reading…..
McCain keeps serving revenge to Trump ice cold By Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large CNN October 23, 2017 In an interview with C-SPAN about the Vietnam War that ran over the weekend, Sen. John McCain said this: “One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never, ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America, and the highest income level found a doctor that would say they had a bone spur. That is wrong. That is wrong. If we are going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”…
FBI couldn’t access nearly 7K devices because of encryption Yahoo News October 22, 2017 The FBI hasn’t been able to retrieve data from more than half of the mobile devices it tried to access in less than a year, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Sunday, turning up the heat on a debate between technology companies and law enforcement officials trying to recover encrypted communications. In the first 11 months of the fiscal year, federal agents were unable to access the content of more than 6,900 mobile devices, Wray said in a speech at the International Association of Chiefs…