Author: Freedom Watch

RNC’s Ronna McDaniel declares ‘this is my last term as chair’ By Paul Steinhauser Fox News January 28, 2023 DANA POINT, Calif. — EXCLUSIVE — Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel says that after winning an unprecedented in modern times fourth term as chair of the GOP, there won’t be a fifth term in her future. “This is my last term as chair. I’m saying it on Fox News. It’s done,” McDaniel declared Friday in an exclusive interview with Fox News. Minutes earlier, McDaniel won the support of 111 committee members who cast ballots in a secret ballot…

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Exclusive: Supreme Court did not disclose financial relationship with expert brought in to review leak probe | CNN Politics By Joan Biskupic CNN January 27, 2023 The Supreme Court did not disclose its longstanding financial ties with former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff even as it touted him as an expert who independently validated its investigation into who leaked the draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. The court’s inquiry, released last week with Chertoff’s endorsement, failed to identify who was responsible for the unprecedented leak. The decision to keep the relationship with Chertoff quiet is a reflection of…

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CNN Exclusive: Pence classified documents included briefing memos for foreign trips | CNN Politics By Jamie Gangel, Jeremy Herb, Elizabeth Stuart, Evan Perez CNN January 26, 2023 The roughly 12 classified documents found at the Indiana home of former Vice President Mike Pence included materials described as background briefing memos that were prepared for Pence’s foreign trips, multiple sources told CNN. One source said some of those classified documents were likely used to prepare Pence for foreign meetings while he was vice president and may have been overlooked during the packing process because they were tucked into old…

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Dear Friend, Please give a critical $25, $50, $100 or more IMMEDIATELY to fully fund my two crucial, class action lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE. Mark Houck is a husband, father of seven kids, and a pro-life leader in Pennsylvania. And at 7:05 AM, September 23, 2022, 25 to 30 FBI agents raided Mark’s home. They yelled and pounded on the door, demanding to be let in. According to his wife, Ryan-Marie, before Mark opened the door, he said: “Please, I’m going to open the door,…

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NJ January 25, 2023 A Philadelphia man with connections to New Jersey was sentenced recently to a year in federal prison for his actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. James Rahm Jr., 63, opted for a bench trial and a federal judge in October found him guilty of the five charges of obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony; and misdemeanor counts of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building; and two counts of disorderly and disruptive conduct. Judge Thomas Hogan sentenced Rahm to 12 months for…

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By Kyle Cheney, Josh Gerstein POLITICO January 25, 2023 Richard Barnett, who famously put his feet up on a desk in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office as rioters swarmed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was convicted by a Washington jury Monday of all eight charges he faced, including four felonies. Barnett, 62, was convicted of obstructing Congress’ Jan. 6 proceedings, a charge that carries a 20-year maximum sentence, as well as disorderly conduct in the Capitol while carrying a dangerous weapon: a “Hike ‘N Strike” walking stick that doubles as a stun weapon. He was also convicted of stealing…

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Former Proud Boy testifies in Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy trial ABC News January 25, 2023 Matthew Greene took the stand on Tuesday in the trial of the former leader of the Proud Boys and four associates who are each accused of seditious conspiracy against the United States, among other charges, as part of an alleged plot to disrupt the certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. Enrique Tarrio, the ex-leader, and Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola have all pleaded not guilty. In his testimony, Greene said that in the weeks before Jan. 6,…

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January 25, 2023 Dear Friend, Do you want to know how The D. C. Swamp is laying the groundwork to prosecute President Trump? Do you want the inside baseball insights on the D.C. federal judges, their courts, and their key cases you won’t hear anywhere else? Then this brand-new episode of my podcast, Special Prosecutor, is for you! DONATE NOW! > You can listen to it right now: Click to View Podcast Thank you! Sincerely, Larry Klayman Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc. DONATE NOW! >

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Trump’s MAGA forces threaten to upend vote for RNC chair AP NEWS January 24, 2023 NEW YORK (AP) — By week’s end, the Republican National Committee is set to resolve a bitter leadership feud that has exposed perilous divisions within a party that has struggled to move past a disappointing midterm ahead of a critical race for the White House. Those inside the fight believe the days ahead of Friday’s secret ballot at a luxury seaside resort could get even uglier as rebel forces within former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement threaten to upend RNC…

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