Author: Freedom Watch

Kaepernick fires back at Roger Goodell without opening his mouth Fox News October 19, 2017 Colin Kaepernick hasn’t said much publicly since he stopped being employed as an NFL quarterback. The last tweet he wrote was on Oct. 10, and it was a shout-out to Eminem for name-dropping him in a long freestyle rap that was extremely critical of President Trump. He has remained active on Twitter though, specifically by re-tweeting several posts per day. Continue Reading…..

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Opinion | John McCain flattens Fox News reporter: ‘Why would you ask something that dumb?’ By Erik Wemple Washington Post October 18, 2017 Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) berated Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy on Oct. 18 for asking about the senator’s relationship with President Trump. (Reuters) Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy is doubtless well-studied on the tensions between President Trump and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Continue Reading…..

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John McCain just delivered a total and complete takedown of Trumpism By Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large CNN October 17, 2017 On Monday night in Philadelphia, John McCain offered a total and complete rejection of the world view offered by the leader of his party. Here’s the key paragraph: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked,…

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Comey drafted letter on Clinton email investigation before completing interviews, FBI confirms Fox News October 16, 2017 The FBI released documents Monday proving former FBI Director James Comey began drafting a letter regarding Hillary Clinton’s email investigation months before conducting several key interviews, including speaking to Clinton herself. The document release was titled “Drafts of Director Comeys July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation Part 01 of 01.” Continue Reading…..

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Hillary Clinton defends kneeling NFL players, says ‘that’s not against our anthem or flag’ By Lukas Mikelionis Fox News October 16, 2017 Hillary Clinton has defended NFL players who knelt during the national anthem, saying kneeling is a “reverent” position that is not against “our anthem or our flag.” The former Democratic presidential candidate, who was at the Southbank Centre’s London Literature Festival, urged Democrats to use the issue against President Trump. Continue Reading…..

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Jimmy Kimmel on Health Care, National Tragedies and Twitter Feuds By Dave Itzkoff New York Times October 15, 2017 In the up-and-down landscape of late-night television, Jimmy Kimmel has lately found himself at the top of a crowded field. In his 15th season at ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, he has gained new visibility as a result of monologues in which he has addressed sweeping news events in intimately personal terms. In May, a few days after his newborn son, Billy, underwent emergency open-heart surgery, Mr. Kimmel was on the air urging against any health care reform that would…

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By Andrew R. Chow New York Times October 15, 2017 In an interview with the BBC published early Sunday, the director Woody Allen addressed the wave of allegations against Harvey Weinstein, calling it “tragic for the poor women” but also warning against a “witch hunt atmosphere.” Mr. Allen’s comments to the BBC were published on the heels of Mr. Weinstein’s expulsion from the Motion Picture Academy on Saturday. The director and producer worked together on several films in the 1990s, and Mr. Allen denied knowledge about any misconduct: “No one ever came to me or told me horror stories…

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Tillerson: Diplomacy with North Korea will continue ‘until the first bomb’ By Eli Watkins CNN October 15, 2017 US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday his diplomatic efforts will continue as long as they possibly can despite the saber-rattling on both sides of the Pacific. “Those diplomatic efforts will continue until the first bomb drops,” Tillerson said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Continue Reading…..

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Amb. Nikki Haley: ‘You’re going to see us stay’ in Iran nuclear deal By Kailani Koenig NBC News October 15, 2017 The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. said it’s the administration’s hope that America stays with the Iran nuclear deal if Congress takes action to keep it together. “I think right now you are going to see us stay in the deal,” she said during an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” Continue Reading…..

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