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Author: Freedom Watch
Government lawyers ask judge to reject CNN’s efforts to make Comey memos public By Gregory Wallace and Tal Kopan CNN October 15, 2017 Government lawyers have asked a judge to reject CNN’s requests to make public the memos of former FBI Director James Comey in which he details his meetings with President Donald Trump. In a late Friday evening filing, the lawyers also have asked for permission to argue in secret why they say the disclosure could compromise the investigation into Russian election-meddling and potential obstruction of justice into that probe. Continue Reading…..
Corker hits Trump for his ‘castration’ of Secretary of State Tillerson By Alex Pappas Fox News October 14, 2017 Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker, who has been trading barbs with the president, is now hitting President Trump for his “castration” of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The Tennessee Republican told the Washington Post that it’s the “castration” of Tillerson “that I am most exercised about.” Continue Reading…..
Larry Klayman explains goal of his group Freedom Watch By Larry Klayman WND October 13, 2017 Revelations this week that Hollywood mogul and producer Harvey Weinstein is a mass sexual harasser — one who has never been prosecuted for sex crimes — not only confirms the the sleazy nature of the Hollywood left, who covered up for Weinstein for decades, feeding at his despicable trough of cash and celebrity, but also the justice system as a whole. For me, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch (see, this came as no surprise, but for…
Larry Klayman says Paddock could have been government informant By Larry Klayman WND October 11, 2017 I have seen it many times before. An FBI or law-enforcement informant, or some other “politically sensitive person,” commits a crime, and federal, state or local government authorities cover it up. This is the likely scenario in the wake of the Oct. 1, 2017, massacre in Las Vegas, perpetrated by an alleged mysterious man named Stephen Paddock. Let me give you just a few analogous examples. First there is the famous case of Whitey Bulger, an Italian Mafia crime boss who was…
Newsmax Now with Bill Tucker Newsmax TV October 11, 2017
Rose McGowan Attacks Ben Affleck Over Harvey Weinstein: ‘You Lie’ By Cara Buckley and Melena Ryzik New York Times October 11, 2017 In a sign that the controversy over the producer Harvey Weinstein could engulf other people in the film industry, the actress Rose McGowan accused Ben Affleck of lying on Tuesday about his knowledge of Mr. Weinstein’s alleged sexual harassment and assaults of women. Ms. McGowan, in a tweet and a subsequent email exchange with The New York Times on Tuesday night, said she had told Mr. Affleck that Mr. Weinstein had behaved inappropriately with her. Continue…
By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch October 11, 2017 I have seen it many times before. An FBI or law enforcement informant, or some other “politically sensitive person,” commits a crime and federal, state or local government authorities cover it up. This is the likely scenario which has occurred in the wake of the October 1, 2017, massacre at Las Vegas, perpetrated by an alleged mysterious man named Stephen Paddock. Let me give you just a few analogous examples. First there is the famous case of “Whitey Bulger,” an Italian Mafia crime boss who was responsible…
The Washington Times October 10, 2017 On the same day that Jemele Hill was suspended from ESPN for tweeting about politics, another network personality, Michael Wilbon, compared Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones to a slave owner. Mr. Wilbon, co-host of “Pardon the Interruption,” took issue with Mr. Jones’ stance that players who do not stand for the national anthem before football games will not play. Continue Reading…..
By Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large CNN October 10, 2017 Update, at 1:30 p.m. ET: After publication, Hillary Clinton released a statement through a spokesman. “I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein. The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.” The statement made no mention of returning contributions from Weinstein. On Tuesday morning, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, the Democratic party’s 2016 vice presidential nominee, sat down for an interview on CNN’s “New Day.” Asked about the allegations…
White Female Candidate Gets Triggered, Claims Black Opponent Isn’t ‘Intelligent’ By Jason Johnson The Root October 9, 2017 It really doesn’t take much to trigger a Trump supporter. Mention Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Russia or George Soros and they’re off, screaming about “pizzagate” and wiretapped microwaves. Sometimes, it doesn’t even take that much, sometimes all you have to do is be black on a sunny day to trigger a deplorable’s “T-Gene” (similar to the mutant X-Gene but lacking all of the humility, altruism and superpowers), transforming him or her into a snarling, racial-grievance-spewing, “alt-right” anger Muppet. Continue Reading…..