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Author: Freedom Watch
Kelly hasn’t returned former chiefs of staff’s messages By Annie Karni POLITICO October 7, 2017 When John Kelly was named White House chief of staff in July, one of his predecessors in the job, Rahm Emanuel, called his office to wish him luck and offer himself as a resource. Bill Daley, another former chief to President Barack Obama, sent him a note with the same message: My line is open if you need anything. Continue Reading…..
Donald Trump is treating a potential war like a reality show cliffhanger CNN October 6, 2017 The stakes of a reality TV show are roughly zero. The stakes of diplomacy with rogue nations pursuing nuclear weapons are incredibly high. What’s not clear at the moment is whether Trump understands that difference. Whether he gets that by saying things such as “maybe this is the calm before the storm,” he is flicking at the possibility of an armed conflict — and the world is paying attention. Continue Reading…..
Iran open to talks over its ballistic missile programme: sources By Parisa Hafezi, Jonathan Saul and John Walcott Reuters October 6, 2017 Iran has suggested to six world powers that it may be open to talks about its ballistic missile arsenal, seeking to reduce tension over the disputed programme, Iranian and Western officials familiar with the overtures told Reuters. Tehran has repeatedly vowed to continue building up what it calls defensive missile capability in defiance of Western criticism, with Washington saying the Islamic Republic’s stance violates its 2015 nuclear deal with the powers. Continue Reading…..
CNN’s Bernstein: ‘The wheels are coming off the presidency’ By Joe Concha TheHill October 6, 2017 CNN’s Carl Bernstein declared Friday that “the wheels are coming off the presidency” and called the current state of affairs at the White House “unlike anything I have seen in 50 years in Washington.” Bernstein, the veteran journalist of Watergate fame, provided his perspective during an interview on CNN’s morning program, “New Day.” Continue Reading…..
Report: North Korea Preparing Test of Missile Designed to Hit US Newsmax October 6, 2017 North Korea is preparing to test a long-range missile which it believes can reach the west coast of the United States, a Russian lawmaker just returned from a visit to Pyongyang was quoted as saying on Friday. Anton Morozov, a member of the Russian lower house of parliament’s international affairs committee, and two other Russian lawmakers visited Pyongyang on Oct. 2-6, Russia’s RIA news agency reported. Continue Reading…..
John Kelly’s phone was breached as early as December: report By Julia Manchester TheHill October 6, 2017 White House chief of staff John Kelly’s personal cellphone was breached possibly as far back as December, according to a report from Politico. Kelly turned his phone in to the White House IT department after he said it wasn’t working and the software was not updating correctly, according to the report. The department concluded the phone had been breached and could not be used anymore. Continue Reading…..
Michelle Obama: ‘People Don’t Trust Politics’ Because GOP Is ‘All Men, All White’ – Breitbart By Pam Key Breitbart October 4, 2017 Tuesday at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, former first lady Michelle Obama said when she attended the State of the Union address she would notice the Republican side was “all men, all white,” and that was why she argued many people of color “don’t trust politics.” Speaking about diversity, Obama said, “We should be working actively to mix it up, so we’re getting a real broad range of perspectives on every issue. Shoot, I would see…
Collins agonizes over decision to ditch the Senate POLITICO October 3, 2017 Sen. Heidi Heitkamp was watching TV recently when she saw a report that Susan Collins was considering a run for Maine governor and soliciting advice on the decision. The North Dakota Democrat quickly shot a text message to her Republican colleague: “Don’t do it.” Continue Reading…..
President Trump: Las Vegas shooter was a ‘sick’ and ‘demented man’ By AOL Staff October 3, 2017 “He’s a sick man, a demented man, lot of problems, I guess. We’re looking into him very, very seriously,” Trump said about Stephen Paddock, the suspected gunman behind the Las Vegas massacre that left 59 dead and more than 500 injured. “We’re dealing with a very, very sick individual,” Trump added, as he prepared to board his Marine One helicopter as he makes his way to Puerto Rico to see the storm damage. Continue Reading…..
Robert Mueller has no comment By Darren Samuelsohn POLITICO October 2, 2017 Robert Mueller is rarely seen and almost never heard. He doesn’t frequent popular restaurants, appear on television or even issue statements. When he meets in person with President Donald Trump’s lawyers, he does not visit the White House where reporters might notice. He instead summons them to the conference rooms of his southwest Washington D.C. office, whose specific location is among his many well-guarded secrets. In those meetings and others, the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election strictly limits the number of…