Author: Freedom Watch

GOP rep calls for McCain ‘recall’ amid cancer diagnosis, ObamaCare repeal fight By Brooke Singman Fox News September 25, 2017 GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert on Monday urged Arizona to “recall” Sen. John McCain amid his recent brain cancer diagnosis, while criticizing his Republican colleague for going back on his 2016 campaign vow to repeal ObamaCare. “[McCain] is one of those that said I will repeal—if he had said last year what he was going to do,” he would have lost, Gohmert, R-Texas, said on “Fox & Friends” early Monday. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax September 25, 2017 Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers inherent in the sport, and has colluded among team owners to to hide this from the players and the public — despite their having access to top notch sports physicians on their staff? I can go on and on. Indeed, were the NFL…

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The Trump Effect reaches Germany By John Moody Fox News September 24, 2017 This is what happens when elected leaders ignore the will of the people who put them in power. As Bellwether noted last week, Germany’s electorate is tired of being lectured about the country’s duty to take in undocumented refugees from the Middle East and Africa. On Sunday, voters made their feelings clear by giving unprecedented support to the anti-immigrant party, Alternative for Germany, known by the acronym AfD. Continue Reading…..

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British star Colin Firth becomes Italian citizen following Brexit decision Fox News September 24, 2017 British actor Colin Firth says he has taken Italian citizenship as a “sensible” move amid global political uncertainty. Firth, who is married to environmentalist Livia Giuggioli, says he has become a dual U.K.-Italian citizen, and his wife is applying for British nationality. Their two sons already have dual citizenship. Continue Reading…..

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Netanyahu refuses to talk to us. But we American Jews won’t be silenced September 24, 2017 Dear Mr. Prime Minister, Let me begin by wishing you l’shanah tovah. I know you join me in praying for peace in the year ahead. During your recent visit to New York, you tried unsuccessfully to give the impression that no crisis exists between the government of Israel and the majority of North American Jewry. I was frankly shocked to read news reports quoting you saying that the Reform and Conservative Movements want to get recognition “via the backdoor, secretly, under…

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Stephen Curry, on a ‘Surreal’ Day, Confronts a Presidential Snub By Scott Cacciola New York Times September 24, 2017 OAKLAND, Calif. — Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors said he awoke Saturday morning to “about 20 text messages” from friends who were expressing their support for him. At first, he said, he had no idea what they were talking about because he had not checked social media. Then he saw President Trump’s tweet. “Surreal,” Curry said. Continue Reading…..

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NBA, NCAA champs will skip White House visit after Trump attacks New York Post September 23, 2017 Championship teams in both the NBA and the NCAA said Saturday they will not be visiting President Trump’s White House to celebrate their victories. The Golden State Warriors said Trump made the decision for them when he disinvited their all-world guard Stephen Curry earlier in the day. Continue Reading…..

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George Clooney Opens Up About Why Hillary Clinton Lost: ‘I Never Saw Her Elevate Her Game’ By Marlow Stern The Daily Beast September 23, 2017 If the Hollywood powers that be ever endeavor to produce a Cary Grant biopic, George Clooney would be the perfect man for the job. Like Grant, he is possessed of an immense level of charisma with a pinch of playful mischief. It lends his best performances—Out of Sight, Ocean’s Eleven, From Dusk Till Dawn—a carefree insouciance. The charm bleeds off-screen, too. When you chat with Clooney, he will regularly address you by name,…

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Trump vs. pro sports: President finds new target in America First agenda Fox News September 23, 2017 Professional sports has been caught in President Trump’s crosshairs as of late after he issued stinging attacks against protesting athletes and team owners. “If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect …,” Trump said in tweets Saturday afternoon. “Our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!” Continue Reading…..

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