Author: Freedom Watch

Larry Klayman sounds alarm over surveillance by federal intel agencies By Larry Klayman WND September 22, 2017 “This (Bush-Cheney) administration is the most secretive of our lifetime, even more secretive than the Nixon administration. They don’t believe the American people or Congress have any right to information.” — Larry Klayman, chairman, Judicial Watch This quote is taken from the first page of the book by former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean, entitled “Worse than Watergate,” published by Brown Little and Company in 2004, three years after the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001. While Dean was referring to…

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McCain comes out against ObamaCare overhaul, dealing blow to GOP’s repeal hopes Fox News September 22, 2017 Sen. John McCain announced his opposition Friday to Republican colleagues’ last-ditch ObamaCare overhaul bill, dealing a major blow to GOP leaders’ push to pass repeal legislation under President Trump. “I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal,” the Arizona Republican senator said in a statement, using the bill’s nickname. Continue Reading…..

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Trump responds after North Korea threatens hydrogen bomb test Fox News September 22, 2017 Amid new North Korean threats to test a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean, President Trump tweeted Friday that the rogue regime’s leader would be “tested like never before.” Trump, during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly earlier this week, warned the U.S. would “totally destroy” North Korea if Pyongyang continued its provocative actions, leading North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to up the ante by calling Trump “deranged.” North Korea escalated the situation further when the nation’s foreign minister revealed Pyongyang…

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What Should Have Happened In Hillary Clinton’s Useless Book By Sam Kriss HuffPost September 21, 2017 At 2 in the morning after Election Day in 2016, the absence of Hillary Clinton walked onto a stage at the Javits Center in Manhattan. The absence of Hillary Clinton is vast. It pullulates like slime mold across the internet; it screams from TV screens; it peers dim and terrified from behind Clinton’s own eyes. Since the election, it’s grown to swallow the whole of American and international politics. But that night, it appeared in the form of her campaign chair, John…

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Former UN Ambassador Power Submitted Hundreds of Unmasking Requests in 2016 By Jason Devaney Newsmax September 21, 2017 Samantha Power, a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under former President Barack Obama, put in more than 260 unmasking requests regarding intelligence reports last year — and submitted others just days before President Donald Trump was inaugurated. Fox News reported Wednesday that Power’s rate of unmasking requests was more than one per day of the work week. Many of those requests reportedly occurred in the latter part of 2016. Continue Reading…..

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By Nick Giampia Fox Business September 21, 2017 Click to Watch Video Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman on Wednesday said the Department of Justice’s surveillance of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is a ‘constitutional crisis.’ According to a CNN report, U.S. investigators wiretapped Manafort under secret court orders, both before and after the presidential election. Continue Reading…..

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‘Isn’t That the Trump Lawyer?’: A Reporter’s Accidental Scoop By Kenneth P. Vogel New York Times September 20, 2017 WASHINGTON — I have always thought of overhearing conversations as an underappreciated journalistic tool. When political donors, lobbyists and politicians gather at hotels for meetings and strategy sessions, they often keep out reporters. But they usually can’t keep us out of the lobby bars and restaurants where they gather afterward to gossip. And I’ve picked up all manner of tantalizing nuggets — from U.S. senators, billionaire donors and influential operatives, among others — by positioning myself within earshot of…

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Networks pass on Sean Spicer for exclusive paid contributor role By Claire Atkinson NBC News September 20, 2017 The big five news organizations have passed on offering former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer a job as an exclusive paid contributor, network sources confirmed to NBC News on Tuesday. Since Spicer exited the White House, his representatives have been holding individual conversations about the possibility of President Donald Trump’s former flack joining one of the major TV networks, which include CBS News, CNN, Fox News, ABC News and NBC News. Continue Reading…..

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