Author: Freedom Watch

Gregg Jarrett: Sessions should resign, but not before taking action against Clinton, Comey and Rice By Gregg Jarrett Fox News September 19, 2017 Jeff Sessions may have been a fine Senator, but he has proven to be a feckless Attorney General. He should resign. But before he does, he can attempt to rectify the wreckage he has wrought by initiating several necessary criminal investigations and/or appointing a special counsel to do so. Comey was asked, under oath, by the House Judiciary Committee if he decided not to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton before or after he interviewed…

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New York Post September 18, 2017 Something else happened the week of Hillary Clinton’s book launch: the release of more “lost” emails that further highlight her corrupt ways. The watchdogs at Judicial Watch shared 1,600 fresh emails released thanks to their Freedom of Information lawsuits — missives that Clinton & Co. failed to turn over from her private servers, but which the feds recovered from other sources. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax September 18, 2017 Jeff Sessions, our current attorney general, is a nice man who I call Jeff as he calls me Larry. Indeed, he is an honorable southern gentleman, and I know and can appreciate that is since I have lived most of my adult years in the south. While I graduated from Duke University in 1973 and later Emory University School of Law in 1977, and spent the next few years in Miami, Florida, as a young associate with the law firm of Blackwell and Walker, and later ran for the U.S. Senate in…

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Politico: Mueller Adds Another Lawyer to Russia Probe Team By Wanda Carruthers Newsmax September 16, 2017 A Justice Department attorney recently left work on a high-profile money laundering case to join special counsel Robert Mueller’s team, Politico reported Friday, bringing to 17 the number of lawyers working for the prosecution in the Russia probe. Harvard Law School graduate Kyle Freeny had not been previously reported to be working on the investigation. A spokesman for Mueller’s office confirmed Freeny was working on his staff, but gave no details about her role. Continue Reading….. See also: “Mueller Must Be Removed,…

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Judiciary Chairman Considers Subpoenas in Trump Investigation By Nicholas Fandos New York Times September 16, 2017 WASHINGTON — Senator Charles E. Grassley, facing what he sees as Justice Department stonewalling, is considering subpoenas to compel several witnesses to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee and divulge what they know about President Trump’s connections to Russia and his firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director. Mr. Grassley and the committee’s top Democrat, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, have agreed that the witnesses are key to the committee’s investigation and could compel them to appear despite apparent objections by…

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Chefs react angrily as federal appeals court upholds California ban on foie gras By Maura Dolan, Jenn Harris, Geoffrey Mohan September 16, 2017 California may once again scrape foie gras off restaurant plates, after judges ruled in favor of a ban on the delicacy made by force feeding ducks and geese. The decision Friday by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals removes a roadblock to enforcing a 2004 ban that has been idled for more than half the time it has been on the books. Continue Reading…..

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Larry Klayman decries special counsel’s ‘legal jihad unfolding with impunity’ By Larry Klayman WND September 15, 2017 As a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current general counsel and chairman, I filed a complaint Monday before the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the DOJ, demanding an investigation and the eventual removal and prosecution of Special Counsel Robert Mueller for his and his conflicted staff — which are Democrat/Clinton political campaign donors and supporters in large part — having illegally leaked grand jury…

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