Author: Freedom Watch

Auntie Maxine Waters to Jeff Sessions: ‘How Does It Feel to Be Dragged & Humiliated? Now You Know How the African Americans You Disrespected Feel’ By Stephen A. Crockett Jr. The Root September 15, 2017 God bless Auntie Maxine Waters, who is truly doing the Lord’s work. On Friday, Waters waded down into the murky mess to take a jab at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who might be the worst person in America not named Trump. “To Jeff Sessions, how does it feel to be dragged & humiliated? Now you know how the African Americans you disrespected feel,”…

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‘The most humiliating experience in decades’: Trump pushed Jeff Sessions to resign after Mueller appointment By Michelle Mark Business Insider September 14, 2017 After President Donald Trump was informed in May that special counsel Robert Mueller had been appointed to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation, Trump unleashed a torrent of insults upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions and told him he should resign, The New York Times reported on Thursday. Trump reportedly said he believed Mueller’s appointment was Sessions’ fault for recusing himself in March from the Russia investigation. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax September 14, 2017 Click here to pre-order When I founded Judicial Watch on July 29, 1994, and even after that, with my current “People’s Justice Department,” Freedom Watch ( I never thought that the nation would sink to the low ethical, moral, irreligious, and lawless level that we now find ourselves confronting. And, while I am a perpetual optimist — I do what I do because I believe that we can be much better — I am disgusted by not just by our compromised, cowardly, and mostly corrupt political elite in Washington, D.C., and in…

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‘Pay-to-play’ at Clinton State Department exposed in new emails, watchdog says By Brooke Singman Fox News September 14, 2017 Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of pay to play at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday. The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Continue Reading…..

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Graham threatens to subpoena Comey, as pressure mounts to clear up Clinton case confusion Fox News September 14, 2017 Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened Thursday to subpoena James Comey, in the latest escalation in Republicans’ effort to haul back the former FBI director to Capitol Hill so he can address alleged discrepancies in his testimony about the Hillary Clinton email case. “He’s coming one way or the other,” Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” Continue Reading…..

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Netanyahu’s son Yair draws fire after posting ‘antisemitic cartoon’ By Peter Beaumont the Guardian September 13, 2017 An attack by the son of the Israeli prime minister on his family’s critics has backfired after he posted a cartoon on social media that contained elements described as “blatantly antisemitic.” Yair Netanyahu had already gained a controversial reputation for crudely trolling his parents’ enemies before his latest intervention, which has spawned days of hostile media coverage. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax September 13, 2017 As a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current general counsel and chairman, last Monday I filed a complaint before the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the DOJ, demanding an investigation and the eventual removal and prosecution of Special Counsel Robert Mueller for he and his conflicted staff — which are Democrat/Clinton political campaign donors and supporters in large part — having illegally leaked grand jury information to harm President Trump, his family, and former and…

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Exclusive: Paul Ryan Reportedly Says No Chance for Border Wall at Private Dinner – Breitbart By Ian Mason Breitbart September 13, 2017 Paul Ryan privately said earlier this year said he thought only “one member” wanted to build a wall across the entire U.S.-Mexico border, Breitbart News has learned from multiple sources with direct knowledge of the comments, including former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO). The dinner, sources said, took place on the eve of the House’s passage of two relatively minor immigration bills at the end of June: Kate’s Law and sanctuary city reforms. The far wider reaching…

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