Author: Freedom Watch

‘A calculated attack’: The White House says the DOJ ‘should certainly look at’ prosecuting James Comey By Natasha Bertrand Business Insider September 13, 2017 White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday said the Justice Department “should certainly look at” prosecuting James Comey, the former FBI director, whom she accused of leaking “privileged information” and giving “false testimony” to Congress. “His actions were improper and likely could have been illegal,” Sanders said when asked whether President Donald Trump stood by his decision to fire Comey. Continue Reading…..

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PREAMBLE: When I founded Judicial Watch on July 29, 1994, and even after that, with my current “People’s Justice Department,” Freedom Watch, I never thought that the nation would sink to the low ethical, moral, irreligious, and lawless level that we now find ourselves confronting. And, while I am a perpetual optimist — I do what I do because I believe that we can be much better — I am disgusted by not just by our compromised, cowardly, and mostly corrupt political elite in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals, but also our legal system. Without a functioning, neutral, and…

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Former federal prosecutor says he ‘must be removed’ then charged By Bob Unruh WND September 12, 2017 A former Justice Department prosecutor has filed an ethics complaint with the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility seeking the removal and prosecution of Special Counsel Robert Mueller over leaks resulting from his grand jury investigation into allegations Russia colluded with the Trump campaign in 2016. Larry Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch, explained in his complaint that the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility and the inspector general are “charged with investigating and remedying unethical and illegal behavior by the special…

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By Marisa Schultz New York Post September 12, 2017 WASHINGTON — Special Counsel Robert Mueller should be removed from the Russian investigation because of unethical grand jury leaks and for appointing Democrat donors to his legal team, according a complaint filed Monday by a conservative watchdog. Larry Klayman, founder of the right-ring Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, filed a lengthy letter with the U.S. Justice Department Monday requesting an ethics investigation into Mueller and his removal from office. Continue Reading…..

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Five memorable moments from Hillary Clinton’s newest book By Amie Parnes TheHill September 12, 2017 Hillary Clinton’s book on her 2016 election loss, “What Happened,” hits bookshelves on Tuesday. Clinton has said the book is the story of “what I saw, felt and thought during two of the most intense years I’ve ever experienced.” Here are five of the most memorable anecdotes shared by Clinton in her book. Continue Reading…..

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Fox News September 12, 2017 A Maryland county judge has ordered the state bar to investigate three lawyers accused of deleting thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Circuit Judge Paul F. Harris Jr. ruled Monday that the Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar Counsel Maryland Office of Bar Counsel must look into complaints against Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson and David E. Kendall, citing “allegations of destroying evidence,” according to the Washington Times. Continue Reading…..

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Genteel George Clooney Totally Shat On Steve Bannon By Whitney Kimball Jezebel September 11, 2017 George Clooney ripped into Steve Bannon at the Toronto Film Festival on Friday and threw in a bunch of foul language which is totally out of left field for George Clooney, and I kind of like this streak. Thank you, Entertainment Weekly, for this: Steve Bannon is a failed f*cking screenwriter, and if you’ve ever read [his] screenplay, it’s unbelievable. Now, if he’d somehow managed miraculously to get that thing produced, he’d still be in Hollywood, still making movies and licking my a**…

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Complaint Based on Illegal Grand Jury Leaks and Conflicts of Interest (September 11, 2017, Washington, D.C.). Today, Larry Klayman, a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current general counsel and chairman, filed a complaint before the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), seeking an investigation and the eventual removal and prosecution of Special Counsel Robert Mueller for his and his conflicted staff — which are Democrat/Clinton political campaign donors and supporters in large part — having illegally leaked…

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Netanyahu’s son under fire for anti-Semitic George Soros meme The Washington Times September 11, 2017 Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has caused a stir for sharing a crude political meme on social media showing Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros controlling the world’s affairs, including his father’s political opponents. The image was posted on the prime minister’s son’s Facebook page Friday and has sparked a regional uproar over its links to anti-Semitism. Continue Reading…..

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Freedom Watch TV September 10, 2017 Larry discusses a nuclear North Korea with General Paul Vallely and what our options are. What does the Cliven Bundy trial mean to you? How will it affect you? Larry is in Washington DC this week to file a complaint with the Dept. of Justice to have Special Investigator Mueller removed and criminally charged.

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