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Author: Freedom Watch
Larry Klayman sees double standard in how Obama was covered on race By Larry Klayman WND August 18, 2017 Ironically, having lived through the Clinton White House years as the founder, chairman and general counsel of Judicial Watch, which I conceived of at the time to be the People’s Justice Department (Freedom Watch now occupies that mantle), I always said that the media’s focus on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I never thought that important given the 40-plus other Clinton scandals, allowed Osama bin Laden to plot the September 11 terror attacks as the nation was titillated with…
The Schnitt Show – Newsmax TV Newsmax TV August 18, 2017
CNN’s Angela Rye Calls for Washington, Jefferson Monuments to Come Down Fox News Insider August 18, 2017 Political commentator and former Congressional Black Caucus director Angela Rye demanded that all memorials and likenesses of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee be taken down. Rye said on CNN that there is a “problem” in how many people are taught American history in school. “George Washington was a slaveowner. Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not, he wasn’t protecting my freedom,” Rye said. Continue Reading…..
By Douglas Ernst The Washington Times August 18, 2017 Abraham Lincoln has joined George Washington on the list of those targeted by Chicagoans in a national debate over Civil War-era monuments. Alderman Raymond Lopez took to Facebook Wednesday night to decry a defaced statue of the nation’s 16th president in the Englewood neighborhood. The giant bust appears to have been damaged after someone in the 15th Ward sprayed and ignited a flammable liquid. Continue Reading…..
Corker: Trump hasn’t demonstrated stability By Jeremy Herb CNN August 17, 2017 Sen. Bob Corker slammed President Donald Trump’s handling of the racially motivated protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, charging that the President “has not demonstrated he understands the character of this nation.” The Tennessee Republican told reporters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday that he thinks there must be “radical changes” within the White House. Continue Reading…..
Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups By Dakin Andone CNN August 17, 2017 Nine hundred and seventeen. That’s the number of hate groups operating in the US, according to data from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Alabama-based nonprofit activist group tracks civil rights and hate crimes and defines a hate group as an organization with “beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.” “Over the course of a year, we have a team of investigators that scours the internet for racist publications and real world activities…
Trump: ‘Country being ripped apart’ by monument removals By Cody Derespina Fox News August 17, 2017 President Trump on Thursday refused to back down from critics who’ve ripped him for failing to condemn protests surrounding the removal of Confederate monuments, doubling down on his belief the statues should stay and questioning if the progressive movement would turn on America’s Founding Fathers next. In the aftermath of a deadly car attack Saturday — following clashes at a largely white nationalist rally protesting the University of Virginia’s plan to remove a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee — Trump…
By Bill O’Reilly, opinion contributor TheHill August 17, 2017 So I’m sitting there watching the CBS Evening News report on President Trump’s continuing Charlottesville narrative and the coverage seems very one-sided. Usually, CBS runs the most factually disciplined news broadcast among the big three but this one departs from that. One CBS taped story features a man who was once a white supremacist but now exposes them. The man says on camera that activist racist white people are “all around us.” He is not challenged by the CBS reporter. Continue Reading…..
Fox’s Shep Smith: We couldn’t find a Republican willing to come on and defend Trump By Julia Manchester TheHill August 17, 2017 Fox News host Shepard Smith said Wednesday that the network tried and failed to get a Republican on-air to defend President Trump’s controversial comments on violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend “Our booking team — and they’re good — reached out to Republicans of all stripes across the country today,” Smith said on his show “Shepard Smith Reporting.” Continue Reading…..
By Tucker Carlson Fox News August 16, 2017 One thing President Trump said Tuesday deserves more attention than it will likely get. On Monday a mob tore down a civil war soldier’s memorial in Durham, North Carolina. Police stood idly by and liberals across the country applauded it. Which statues are next, the president asked today, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson? It’s not a joke. Suddenly it’s a serious question. Continue Reading…..