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Author: Freedom Watch
Republican Shadow Campaign for 2020 Takes Shape as Trump Doubts Grow By Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns New York Times August 5, 2017 WASHINGTON — Senators Tom Cotton and Ben Sasse have already been to Iowa this year, Gov. John Kasich is eyeing a return visit to New Hampshire, and Mike Pence’s schedule is so full of political events that Republicans joke that he is acting more like a second-term vice president hoping to clear the field than a No. 2 sworn in a little over six months ago. President Trump’s first term is ostensibly just warming up,…
Chuck Todd: ‘I look forward to ignoring’ DOJ subpoena By Joe Concha TheHill August 5, 2017 NBC’s “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd said on Friday that he would ignore any subpoena the Department of Justice issues him if the agency pursues media outlets in its investigation of leaks. “If DoJ media source threat is real (I assume it’s not; just a show presser to please WH) then I look forward to ignoring that subpoena,” Todd wrote to his 1.79 million followers. Continue Reading…..
Is Mueller’s Grand Jury Impeachment Step One? National Review August 5, 2017 The principal function of a federal grand jury is to investigate a suspected crime with an eye toward returning an indictment — a formal accusation of felony misconduct. In the alternative, a grand jury may file a “no true bill,” a formal finding that the prosecutor failed to show probable cause that the subject of the investigation committed a crime. Sometimes, however, to vote yea or nay on a proposed indictment is not the grand jury’s only option. In certain situations, federal law authorizes a grand…
Paul Ryan pushes back on Jeff Sessions’ veiled threat to journalists By Bryan Logan Business Insider August 5, 2017 Ryan took issue with Sessions’ characterization of journalists’ roles in reporting stories that include leaked information. While speaking at an event in Muskego, Wisconsin, on Friday, Ryan said it’s “the problem of the leaker, not the journalist,” the Journal Sentinel reported Friday afternoon. “Leaks are concerning because leaks can often compromise national security, but that’s the problem of the leaker not the journalist,” Ryan said. Continue Reading…..
Larry Klayman jabs DOJ, Congress for inaction on agencies’ data collection By Larry Klayman WND August 4, 2017 The Congress of the United States is worthless; our federal courts are infested with leftist judges on the bench; and the Trump presidency is being ground to a halt with a bipartisan establishment “witch hunt” over alleged Russian collusion and anything else that suits its accomplice, the corrupt Special Counsel Robert Mueller, all of which are aimed to tar if not legally destroy the president, his family and their associates. This week, we learned Congress, among several causes for its…
Newsmax Now with Bill Tucker Newsmax TV August 4, 2017
Israeli Police: Netanyahu Faces Indictment for Bribery, Fraud By Todd Beamon Newsmax August 3, 2017 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is suspected of bribery and other charges in two cases, police confirmed on Thursday — and a spokesman slammed the “unfounded claims,” vowing that any effort to change the government was “destined to fail.” Israel Police confirmed the charges, which also included fraud and breach of trust, during a hearing in Israel Supreme Court, Haaretz reports. Continue Reading…..
By Larry Klayman Newsmax August 3, 2017 Former FBI Director and now Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just hired, at tremendous taxpayer expense, his fifteenth lawyer/prosecutor in what now has become apparent to even those who do not reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue a hit job on President Donald J. Trump. Notwithstanding that fifteen lawyers (and counting) are not necessary for the early stages of an investigation of Russian collusion with Trump, his family, and associates past and present, since the FBI is the investigative arm of the Special Counsel, who is empowered under the authority of the U.S.…
Kelly Assures Sessions His Job Is Safe Newsmax August 3, 2017 New White House chief of staff John Kelly, in one of his first acts in his new post, called Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reassure him that his position was safe despite the recent onslaught of criticism he has taken from President Donald Trump. Kelly called Sessions on Saturday to stress that the White House was supportive of his work and wanted him to continue his job, according to two people familiar with the call. The people demanded anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly…