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Author: Freedom Watch
Larry Klayman recalls James Baker’s role in burying proof of illegal spying By Larry Klayman WND July 28, 2017 I had a feeling! And, for better or sometimes worse, I am usually right. The lawsuit that NSA/CIA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and I filed against former FBI Director James Comey and the intelligence agencies over allegations of illegal and unconstitutional spying against us — as well as millions of Americans including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, President Trump and his associates and family members — just got bigger and more serious. As I…
North Korea Tests a Ballistic Missile That Experts Say Could Hit California New York Times July 28, 2017 North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile on Friday that, for the first time, appeared capable of reaching the West Coast of the United States, according to experts — a milestone that American presidents have long declared the United States could not tolerate. The launching, the second of an intercontinental missile in 24 days, did not answer the question of whether the North has mastered all the technologies needed to deliver a nuclear weapon to targets in the United States.…
When a president lies, should he just apologize and hope for the best? Newsweek July 28, 2017 “If he’s lied, he should tell all, apologize and hope for the best. If he doesn’t step forward now, the rest of his term will be consumed by prosecutorial fallout and the risk that he will have little credibility with the public. This is the most important political decision of his life, and it’s about more than the next news cycle or the next election. It’s about the verdict no president can escape: there’s no sliding by the judgment of history.…
Fox’s Wallace calls McCain ‘unplugged’ By Joe Concha TheHill July 28, 2017 Fox’s Chris Wallace said an “unplugged” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) “is not going to play any political games” in the Senate following a diagnosis of brain cancer. Wallace said McCain, who in a surprise vote killed the Senate’s ObamaCare repeal bill Friday morning, is “going to do what he wants to do.” Continue Reading…..
Republicans call for second special counsel to probe Clinton, Lynch and more By Judson Berger Fox News July 28, 2017 Nearly two-dozen Republicans are calling on the Trump Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the raft of 2016 campaign controversies involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, warning these questions cannot “be allowed to die on the vine” amid the Russia probe firestorm. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and GOP committee colleagues made the request in a letter Thursday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Continue Reading…..
Watch the dramatic moment when John McCain killed the GOP’s ‘skinny repeal’ health care bill By AOL Staff July 28, 2017 The Senate burst into audible gasps when Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona delivered the decisive, finishing blow to the GOP’s “skinny repeal” health care bill early Friday morning when he became the 51st senator to vote against it. Republican senators were seeking to pass the bill, which would have stripped a few essential elements of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, to establish a conference with the House and create a more robust bill.…
By Ronald Rotunda Washington Post July 28, 2017 Ronald Rotunda is a professor at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law. Nearly two decades ago, then-independent counsel Kenneth Starr asked me to evaluate whether a federal grand jury could indict a sitting president — in that case, Bill Clinton. My answer — that such an action would be permissible — was recently unearthed in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the New York Times, and it may have relevance for a new special counsel and the current president. Continue Reading…..
Schoen: Priebus’ departure could come sooner than later Fox News July 27, 2017 Click to Watch Video
See Pleadings Embedded Below July 27, 2017 Click to View PDF
Senators prepare bill to block firing of special counsel ABC News July 27, 2017 Warning of “holy hell” to pay if the president fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a top Senate Republican is working to prevent the potential end result, the dismissal of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is working on legislation that would block the firing of special counsels without judicial review. Democrats Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said Thursday they are among the senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee who are working with Graham on the…