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Author: Freedom Watch
Trump tweets Democrats are laughing at ‘Russian Witch Hunt,’ Republicans do ‘very little’ to protect him By Christopher Carbone Fox News July 23, 2017 President Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday afternoon to slam the ongoing Russian investigations and take fellow Republicans to task for doing very little to protect him Trump and his associates are under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the FBI and separate Congressional panels looking into potential collusion between his campaign and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence agencies have already concluded that Russia used a combination of hacking and disinformation to influence the…
Larry Klayman on special counsel: ‘His band of leftist legal hacks have to go’ By Larry Klayman WND July 23, 2017 It is now known, not surprisingly given Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s apparent vendetta against President Donald Trump and his family, that Mueller hired a Clinton Foundation lawyer, Jeannie S. Rhee, along with other Clinton and Obama loyalists, to do a hit job on the president. But what is not generally known is that, as recently as 2016, Rhee represented the Clinton Foundation against my racketeering lawsuit’s allegations that Hillary Clinton sold government favors in return for bribes,…
Americans Protest ‘Very Fake News’ CNN Outside of Atlanta Headquarters – Breitbart Breitbart July 23, 2017 ATLANTA, Georgia — More than 150 protesters charged the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia to share their disgust with the network’s peddling of “fake news” against President Trump’s administration. With signs reading “FNN #FakeNewsNetwork” and others targeting the networks’ advertisers such as AT&T and Microsoft, protesters chanted “CNN fake news!” directly in front of the CNN Centers’ signature logo. Continue Reading…..
Jeb Bush calls out Republicans silent on Trump’s Russia probe By John Bowden TheHill July 23, 2017 Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) on Saturday called out Republicans for not speaking out about the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Speaking at the OZY Fest in New York City on Saturday, the Florida Republican and former opponent to President Trump gave the crowd a series of rules for politics, what he called “Jeb’s rules.” Continue Reading…..
Senate Intel Chair: ‘The Unmasking Thing Was All Created By Devin Nunes’ By Allegra Kirkland Talking Points Memo July 22, 2017 Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) on Friday accused his counterpart in the House, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), of creating a false narrative about Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice. Speaking to CNN after Rice was interviewed by the panel in closed session, Burr said he asked no questions about whether she improperly requested and revealed the identities of U.S. individuals swept up in intelligence reports—an accusation Nunes has made repeatedly. Continue Reading…..
Guest: former US Attorney and Congressman Bob Barr Freedom Watch TV July 21, 2017
Newsmax Now with Bill Tucker Newsmax TV July 21, 2017
Joins Dish, ACA and others in seeking more comment time, information By John Eggerton B&C July 21, 2017 Sinclair has been hammered for a perceived conservative and pro-Donald Trump bias, but Chris Ruddy—CEO of conservative media news outlet Newsmax and a friend of President Donald Trump—does not like the proposed Sinclair-Tribune deal and has asked the FCC to hold off on making any decision about it. In a filing with the FCC, Newsmax joined Dish, the American Cable Association and Public Knowledge in asking the FCC for additional time to weigh and comment on the proposed deal. A…
Ex-Obama official who urged anti-Trump ‘leaking’ lobs new accusations at president Fox News July 20, 2017 A former Obama official who earlier this year acknowledged urging her D.C. contacts to leak dirt on President Trump’s team returned to the spotlight Thursday — using an appearance at a security forum to accuse the president of “Kremlin tactics” and openly question whether he owes the Russians money. Evelyn Farkas, who left the Obama administration in 2015 after serving as a deputy assistant secretary of defense, spoke on a panel Thursday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. She took aim…