Author: Freedom Watch

Chelsea Clinton fires back at Fox News contributor who said Hillary ‘would sell her daughter’ to become president By Brandon Carter TheHill July 16, 2017 Chelsea Clinton fired back at a Fox News contributor on Saturday who said that her mother, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, would “literally sell her daughter” to be president. On Fox News’s “The Five,” contributor Lisa Boothe called Hillary Clinton “the most soulless woman on the planet.” “[She] would literally sell her daughter to be president, literally sell her only child to be president,” she said. Continue Reading…..

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Comey’s Writing a Book, and Publishers Are Eager to Pay Big Money for It By Alexandra Alter New York Times July 16, 2017 James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director who was fired in May by President Trump, is writing a book about his experience in public service, including his tumultuous and brief tenure in the Trump administration. Mr. Comey has been meeting with editors and publishers in New York in recent days, and is being represented by Keith Urbahn and Matt Latimer, partners at the literary agency Javelin. The book is expected to go to auction this…

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McConnell delays action on health care after McCain surgery Fox News July 16, 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Saturday that he will delay consideration of health care legislation in light of Sen. John McCain’s absence from recent surgery. McConnell, R-Ky., released a statement on Saturday night saying that he would defer action on the measure while McCain recovers at his home in Arizona. “While John is recovering, the Senate will continue our work on legislative items and nominations, and will defer consideration of the Better Care Act,” McConnell said. Continue Reading…..

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How Bill Clinton and George W. Bush got over their politics and became BFFs By Avi Selk Washington Post July 16, 2017 At his presidential library in Dallas on Thursday, George W. Bush sat for an hour with his predecessor, Bill Clinton, and tried to convey the depths of their friendship. Bush called Clinton humble, and respectful. He went further. He called the former president his “brother with a different mother” — not the first time he’s used that term for the man who unseated his father, President George H.W. Bush, from the Oval Office. Continue Reading…..

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‘Lie after lie after lie’: Fox News’s Shepard Smith has a Cronkite moment on Russia By Aaron Blake Washington Post July 15, 2017 Between its “Fox and Friends” morning show and Sean Hannity at night, Fox News has become a haven for those who think this whole Russia thing is nonsense. On Friday morning, Steve Doocy even declared that “the Russia story is starting to fall apart.” But on Friday afternoon, a Fox host went off on the Trump administration’s handling of Russia in a way we’ve rarely seen. Shepard Smith is no stranger to challenging the administration…

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Larry Klayman laments fact prosecution continues under AG Jeff Sessions By Larry Klayman WND July 14, 2017 The political prosecution of Cliven Bundy, his sons and tens of other defendants is an outrage begun by President Barack Obama and his Justice Department, then run by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, essentially because Cliven used the word “Negro” in commenting that he and his family could appreciate how African-Americans were mistreated by the federal government, given how this same federal government, under Obama and Lynch, with the aid of former Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, had attempted to enslave them,…

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Newsmax July 13, 2017 Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman on Wednesday blasted Christopher Wray, the former high-ranking Justice Department official who’s nominated to head the FBI, warning President Donald Trump “he’s probably another yes-man.” In a scathing appraisal on Newsmax TV, the former federal prosecutor told “Newsmax Now” host Bill Tucker he “wasn’t terribly impressed” with Wray’s testimony at his confirmation hearing Wednesday. Continue Reading…..

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Why Netanyahu hates George Soros so much July 13, 2017 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán surely believed the run-up to their July 18 meeting in Budapest would be smooth sailing when they first announced it. After all, they have a lot in common and much to bond over. Both leaders position themselves in the center right, but over the years have had to lurch rightward to consolidate their hold on power, in the face of challenges from more extreme political parties. Continue Reading…..

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