Author: Freedom Watch

Soros-Funded Groups Fight to Stop Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission By Margaret Menge LifeZette July 12, 2017 President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission announced late Monday it’s temporarily suspending its collection of voter data from states following a lawsuit by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. The Electronic Privacy Information Center had asked for a temporary restraining order in its July 3 suit, saying the commission should have had a plan to protect the data on individual voters before it set about collecting it from the state. But there’s more to the story. Continue Reading…..

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FBI nominee Christopher Wray says Russia probe not witch hunt – BBC News BBC News July 12, 2017 Donald Trump’s pick to lead the FBI has rejected the president’s depiction of a probe into alleged Russian meddling in the US election as a witch hunt. “I do not consider Director Mueller to be on a witch hunt,” Christopher Wray said about the former FBI director who is leading the special investigation. Mr Wray, 50, also told a Senate hearing he would quit if the president asked him to do anything illegal. Continue Reading…..

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By Brooke Singman Fox News July 12, 2017 President Trump ripped Hillary Clinton and fellow Democrats Wednesday over what he described as a double standard for their respective associates’ alleged coordination with foreign governments in the 2016 campaign. The president has been on defense over fresh revelations of a meeting his eldest son held last year with a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Clinton. Continue Reading…..

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Trump seen bowing in prayer during Oval Office session By Dan Merica and Kevin Liptak CNN July 12, 2017 President Donald Trump, who has remained out of public view since returning from Europe late Saturday, welcomed evangelical leaders into the Oval Office on Monday for a prayer session. Photos posted by some of the invitees show the group surrounding Trump and laying their hands on his shoulders as his head is bent in prayer. The picture was posted by Johnnie Moore, a former senior vice president at Liberty University, a large evangelical university in Virginia. It also showed…

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Federal judge halts deportation of Iraqi nationals Fox News July 12, 2017 A federal judge in Detroit has stopped the deportation of 1,400 Iraqi nationals while their deportation orders are reviewed by the court system. U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith halted the deportations of the nationals, many of whom are Christians, after he asserted jurisdiction over the objection by the Justice Department in a 24-page opinion Tuesday. Continue Reading…..

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Forget Russia-Trump, It’s The Agenda That Matters By Christopher Ruddy Newsmax July 11, 2017 Back on June 23rd I wrote the Trump-Russia collusion story was a “nothingburger,” and now with the revelation that Trump campaign officials met with an eccentric Russian lawyer, the story remains a nothingburger. There is nothing illegal or improper in a campaign talking to a foreign national about their election opponent. It might actually be wise if they feel the foreigner has information the public should know. Continue Reading…..

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North Korea threat: US preparing sanctions, targeting banks linked to regime Fox News July 11, 2017 The U.S. is preparing to unilaterally tighten sanctions on North Korea as well as targeting Chinese companies and banks the U.S. believes are funneling money into the regime’s weapons program. The U.S. circulated a draft resolution that would impose new sanctions on North Korea following its first test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, two U.N. diplomats told the Associated Press on Monday. Continue Reading…..

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By Esme Cribb Talking Points Memo July 11, 2017 White House chief strategist Steve Bannon in 2015 called former Fox News host Megyn Kelly “pure evil” during a vitriolic exchange with former network CEO Roger Ailes, according to a book excerpt published Monday by New York Magazine. Bannon, who later became President Donald Trump’s campaign CEO, had several contentious exchanges with Ailes after their respective news outlets clashed over then-candidate Trump, according to the report adapted from an upcoming book by reporter Joshua Green. Continue Reading…..

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Kill ‘Fox & Friends’ before it’s too late By Erik Wemple Washington Post July 11, 2017 President Trump accused special counsel Robert Mueller of being biased in his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election in an interview on “Fox & Friends” on June 23. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) Back when regular people watched “Fox & Friends,” it was bad enough to warrant killing the show. Back in those pre-Trump-presidency days, the program merely distorted the news in ways that reflected poorly on President Barack Obama. Continue Reading…..

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