Author: Freedom Watch

Larry Klayman quotes octogenarian’s open criticism of Donald Trump By Larry Klayman WND July 7, 2017 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg must recuse herself in the U.S. Supreme Court, argues Freedom Watch’s “Judicial Selection Task Force.” If she does not do so, she should be involuntarily disqualified by a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court. The task force I started as general counsel of the public interest law firm Freedom Watch is leading this effort nationwide. Most immediately, Justice Ginsburg must recuse herself voluntarily in the case challenging President Donald Trump’s moratorium on travel from six failed states under…

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By Peter Schweizer New York Post July 6, 2017 Lawmakers failed to seize on an alarming development in the Russia collusion story last week, one that should spark serious and immediate congressional inquiry. But it didn’t involve President Trump or his administration. During a heated Fox Business interview with Maria Bartiromo, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chief John Podesta made a series of misleading statements when questioned about his involvement in a company that received $35 million from the Russian government while Clinton served as secretary of state. Continue Reading…..

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By Dan Boylan The Washington Times July 6, 2017 It is perhaps the key piece of forensic evidence in Russia’s suspected efforts to sway the November presidential election, but federal investigators have yet to get their hands on the hacked computer server that handled email from the Democratic National Committee. Indeed, the only cybersecurity specialists who have taken a look at the server are from CrowdStrike, the Irvine, California-based private cybersecurity company that the DNC hired to investigate the hack — but which has come under fire itself for its work. Continue Reading…..

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Did CNN commit a crime? Cruz suggests warning to Reddit user poses legal problem Fox News July 5, 2017 CNN faced widespread backlash Wednesday for seeming to imply the network would reveal the identity of the Reddit user who made an anti-CNN, Trump-themed GIF if he reneged on an apology — but some critics suggested the network also could have a legal problem on its hands. Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to cite Georgia state law’s prohibition against “theft by extortion.” “Troubling. I assume CNN’s lawyers are examining GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion. If…

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Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues VA Again for Docs About Misuse of Veterans’ Facility By Tom Fitton Breitbart July 5, 2017 Judicial Watch has taken the lead in trying to highlight the government’s misconduct and misuse of a 388-acre parcel of land in Los Angeles, originally intended to serve the needs of veterans. In fact, we just filed a second Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for information regarding non-veteran use of this prime real estate in West Los Angeles, which was set aside nearly 130 years ago to serve as…

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US watched North Korea prepare for ICBM launch By Jennifer Griffin Fox News July 5, 2017 U.S. officials watched North Korea prepare for the Tuesday launch of its first successful intercontinental ballistic missile, a well-placed senior U.S. official told Fox News — however, no anti-missile defense systems appear to have been activated to shoot down the rocket. The U.S. had watched North Korea fueling the rocket prior to launch, the official said. Continue Reading…..

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In North Korea, ‘Surgical Strike’ Could Spin Into ‘Worst Kind of Fighting’ By Motoko Rich New York Times July 5, 2017 SEOUL, South Korea — The standoff over North Korea’s nuclear program has long been shaped by the view that the United States has no viable military option to destroy it. Any attempt to do so, many say, would provoke a brutal counterattack against South Korea too bloody and damaging to risk. That remains a major constraint on the Trump administration’s response even as North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, approaches his goal of a nuclear arsenal capable of…

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Neil Cavuto rattles off a long list of leftist violence the hypocritical media ignores TheBlaze July 5, 2017 Fox News’ Neil Cavuto went through a list of all the violence coming from the left since President Trump was elected in order to show what he saw as hypocrisy of the media on Trump’s offensive tweeting. The monologue aired Monday at the end of his show. “So ABC News reports that after his CNN wrestling tweet,” Cavuto began, “President Trump will have to own any violence that might come as a result. The New York Times cites some journalists’…

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