Author: Freedom Watch

State Department Workers Vent Grievances Over Trump, Tillerson, Cite Longer-Term Issues By Felicia Schwartz WSJ July 4, 2017 Thousands of State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development employees indicated in a survey they are worried about the future of their agencies, with some expressing particular concern about lack of support from the Trump administration and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The findings are in a report for Mr. Tillerson compiled by a consulting firm as he embarks on an effort to reorganize the State… Continue Reading…..

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The world looks past Donald Trump By Stephen Collinson CNN July 4, 2017 Foreign policy, increasingly, is what is happening around the world while the United States is making other plans. More than five months into Donald Trump’s presidency, American adversaries and allies alike are adjusting to a new era in which Washington seeks its own idiosyncratic and unpredictable “America First” path. Continue Reading…..

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Court Blocks E.P.A. Effort to Suspend Obama-Era Methane Rule By Lisa Friedman New York Times July 4, 2017 WASHINGTON — Dealing a legal blow to the Trump administration, a federal appeals court ruled on Monday that the Environmental Protection Agency cannot suspend an Obama-era rule to restrict methane emissions from new oil and gas wells. The 2-to-1 decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is a legal setback for Scott Pruitt, the E.P.A. administrator, who is trying to roll back dozens of Obama-era environmental regulations. The ruling signals that the Trump…

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North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm Fox News July 4, 2017 North Korea successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time on Tuesday, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News. The ballistic missile flew longer than any North Korean missile test conducted by the rogue regime to date, U.S. Pacific Command said — meaning Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship may now possess the ability to strike Alaska. Continue Reading…..

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DC appeals court orders EPA to move ahead with methane rule By Michael Biesecker Associated Press July 3, 2017 A federal appeals court in Washington ruled Monday that the head of the Environmental Protection Agency overstepped his authority in trying to delay implementation of an Obama administration rule requiring oil and gas companies to monitor and reduce methane leaks. In a split decision, the three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ordered the EPA to move forward with the new requirement that aims to reduce planet-warming emissions from oil and gas…

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Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation By Chris Enloe The Blaze July 3, 2017 Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller recently added a prosecutor to his team investigating President Donald Trump and Russia, according to reports, who previously worked for former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. Bharara was appointed by former President Barack Obama and later fired by Trump. Andrew Goldstein, who served as the assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, has been added to Mueller’s team, according to the New York Times. Goldstein, 43, previously led the district’s…

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Huckabee: Media ‘Hates Trump More Than They Love America’ By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax July 3, 2017 The media “goes totally crazy” when President Donald Trump posts a tweet such as the one over the weekend showing himself beating up CNN, but was quiet over ones like his Fourth of July tweet, and there’s a reason why, former Gov. Mike Huckabee said Monday. “The media basically hates Donald Trump more than they love America,” Huckabee told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” program. Continue Reading…..

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Trump, Putin meet at last By Stephen Collinson CNN July 3, 2017 They meet, at last. US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have been circling one another, intrigued yet at a distance, ever since the former real estate tycoon launched his convention-busting White House bid. This week they will come face-to-face in one of the most keenly awaited meetings between two heads of state in years, one that is rich with political, geostrategic and personal storylines. Continue Reading…..

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