Author: Freedom Watch

First lady responds to Brzezinski attack: She doesn’t ‘know me’ Fox News July 1, 2017 First lady Melania Trump is fighting back against MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski’s attacks against her and husband President Trump including the suggestion that Mrs. Trump is doing the “worst job in the country” for the sake of the couple’s son. “I’m just telling you, Melania’s got the worst job in the country and I don’t think she wants do it a lot longer. I think she will do it for as long as she has to for her son, and that’s…

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Larry Klayman explains link to ‘fake news’ casualty, his client By Larry Klayman WND June 30, 2017 Recent revelations that former New York Times reporter and just-fired CNN editor Eric Lichtblau created a wholly false “Russia story” that resulted in his being forced out of even despicable CNN sadly comes as no surprise. Before this demise, triggered by his leftist unbridled hatred for President Donald Trump, Lichtblau was the partner of New York Times national security reporter James Risen. They both collaborated to write articles and a book titled “Pay Any Price,” which trashed the reputation of Dennis…

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Harvard law professor: If the White House threatened ‘Morning Joe’ hosts with a National Enquirer story, it’s a crime By Allan Smith Business Insider June 30, 2017 If President Donald Trump or members of his administration told MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough that a National Enquirer hit piece would be published unless they provided the president with better coverage, that would be a crime, a Harvard law professor said. Laurence Tribe, a liberal Harvard Law School professor who worked in the Obama administration, tweeted that if the White House told Brzezinski and Scarborough that the tabloid would…

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By Sarah Taylor TheBlaze June 30, 2017 During the Wednesday airing of his Fox News program, Sean Hannity blasted “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough during his daily mini-monologue. “It’s time to talk about one of the most anti-Trump media personalities on TV,” Hannity said about Scarborough, launching into his takedown of Scarborough. Continue Reading…..

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New York Times Editors Decry “Humiliating Process” Of Layoffs By Jeremy Gerard Deadline June 29, 2017 In a letter addressed to the two top editors and written under the letterhead of the NewsGuild’s NYT unit, they also included a plea for reconsideration of the plan to eliminate some 100 editors from their ranks. A short time later, Baquet and Kahn responded, in a letter addressed to New York NewsGuild president Grant Glickson. “We take those concerns seriously,” they wrote. “We feel a compelling need to reduce separate layers of editing … and to speed up production. …We have…

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Oh, snap! TheBlaze TV host corners Black Lives Matter activist who called her racist By Jon Street TheBlaze June 29, 2017 TheBlaze TV host Dana Loesch cornered Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson on Thursday amid mounting criticism of a new National Rifle Association ad. The ad, which, as Loesch pointed out, is not new, calls on NRA supporters to fight the political left’s violence with a “clinched fist of truth.” Continue Reading…..

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House Intel Committee threatens to subpoena WH over Comey tapes By Katie Bo Williams TheHill June 29, 2017 The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday threatened to subpoena the White House for any documentation of President Trump’s conversations with former FBI Director James Comey. According to a statement from the top Republican and Democrat leading the panel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Trump’s tweet that he “did not make, and [does] not have, any such recordings” did not satisfy committee demands for information. Continue Reading…..

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‘I know millions of people … just want to know what happened in this investigation’ By Alicia Powe WND June 29, 2017 WASHINGTON — Any American who cares about the rule of law should be demanding the truth about the mysterious murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, says Tim Canova, a Democratic law professor who is challenging former DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her congressional seat in 2018. Canova has been slammed by left-leaning media outlets for calling attention to the unusual circumstances surrounding the July 10, 2016, murder of Rich, the DNC voter-expansion data director…

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